Blake Wide



3 years, 9 months ago



Name Blake Wide
Called Blake, Blakeh, Blakie, Red
Sexuality Gay
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Race Somali Cat
Height 5'11"
Weight 178 lb
Languages English, Spanish, German
Birthday December 8
Theme Poker Face

Blake Wide is a Somali Cat with long and red striped fur. He is a very calm and serious guy, and even though he's not very talkative he is still very protective over his friends and beloved ones. He plays the bass and is part of the Exodus band. Aside to his participation in the band, Blake also has a solo music project, works seasonally at a table dance club, and as a porn entertainer on the internet.


  • Smoking
  • Playing bass
  • History, anthropology and philosophy
  • Theatre and cult movies
  • Body modifications


  • Homophobia
  • Being with people
  • Receiving orders
  • Really loud noises and places
  • Pessimist people



For a detailed biography about him, click here. (wip)


Blake is characterized by having a serious, firm and reserved personality. He is arguably the most individualistic member of the Exodus Clan. Blake, in general, has very different and unique methods of working without help from others. He sometimes becomes sarcastic or hurtful, and it is due to his almost zero interest in maintaining close relationships with people.

As bad as this may sound, Blake also has many positive characteristics. Those few people he cares about, he would give them everything to see them doing well deep down. Also, Blake always manages to carry out those things that he sets out to do with work (in fact, among his bandmates they agree that Blake has more willpower than anyone else).

Many people come to highlight the sexual libido that Blake has. The sentimental pleasure that Blake does not want to satisfy with some romantic relationship, he expresses it through sexual pleasure with individuals of his same gender (acts which he takes advantage of to sell online and earn a profit). Thanks to this, Blake has developed hobbies such as table dancing, BDSM modeling and erotic acting.

The music composed by Blake tends to talk about past experiences and what happens in his daily life, and although he does not like to open up emotionally, very occasionally he does compose emotional pieces. In general, Blake's personality could be summed up as introverted but rebellious at the same time. He has that desire to go against the moral established by society, opposing criteria such as religion and past traditions. All this social issue is also a subject that he usually addresses a lot in his music.

Fashion and aesthetic

After finishing his work in Hollywood production studios, Blake quickly developed both his own visual and musical style. On stage when performing his music, Blake is known for his daring and provocative costumes, as well as his "promiscuous" bodily performance. In his solo performances, a famous act performed by him consists of a slow striptease where he ends up with a "blasphemous underwear" (name given by him to the piece of clothing with a cross in his crotch).

Religious and Gothic imagery is a very recurring visual aesthetic in Blake's works. This can be seen in his content of pornographic videos, in which there are often setting and costumes of this style.

Exodus Clan

Blake is one of the members of the Exodus band. He plays the bass, does extra musical production stuff, and is the main vocals in many songs, specially in those he wrote. He lives with the rest of the members on a shared two-floor apartment.


  • His favorite food are Mexican tacos. His favorite beverage is whiskey on the rocks.
  • Despite he had some drug addiction problems in the past, Blake has largely overcome them. Today his biggest addiction is tobacco (something that his bandmates encourage him to change). He consumes alcohol from time to time, and very sporadically weed.
  • For a short time he was the highest paid feline on the OnlyFans platform.
  • He has 11 piercings in his whole body.



Icado Zoyiee Friend and Bandmate

Both are bandmates. They live together at the same apartment.


Silver Cat Friend and Bandmate

Both are bandmates. They live together at the same apartment.


Ryan Zeiko Friend and Bandmate

Both are bandmates. They live together at the same apartment.


Sam Lukas Friend and Bandmate

Both are bandmates. They live together at the same apartment.

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