tbn's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

1986 Global Rules

- I allow minor inspiration off of my designs, ONLY IF THE CURRENT OWNER IS OKAY WITH IT TOO. Please check with the current owner is fine with minor inspiration before going ham.  
- Please don't resell my designs for a higher price without adding art. If you got the design for free, you are not able to resell it without adding on art. You can, however, regift the freebies.
- Do not trade my designs to my blacklisted users or I will blacklist you too. I don't hold back, and I wont be lenient. Even if I know you, I will be disappointed in you.
-  It's preferred if you don't delete/private characters without me knowing.
     > I like to keep track of who has my stuff and doing that makes it hard to do see where they're going and what you're using them for.
- I do not care if your character is trade-backed, you no longer have to come to me for approval.
- I don't care if you make NSFW of my designs, just keep it properly tagged as to not expose underage people to it. I am not responsible for your actions if you get caught.
     > However, if you are blacklisted, you are not allowed to add new NSFW pieces. I am uncomfortable if you do, as you are blocked by me and still using my designs for your pleasure.

My blacklist is here. Read it before trading.