Tyler Ramos



3 years, 3 months ago


Tyler Ramos

24 || 5'3" || ??? || B+


Irritable - Short-tempered - Spiteful - Watchful - Logical

At first glance, one would wonder how the hell such an angry individual became a police officer. Tyler struggles with unmanaged anger and trigger happy tendencies, and often has to restrain himself (or get pulled back by his coworkers if he's caving to his anger) from trying to beat the ever-loving shit out of the criminal he chases down, who he almost always catches due to just being faster than most people. However, under the anger, there is an individual who is observant and knows how to approach a situation, especially one that involves a hostage. He often puts himself in the front lines during crisis, risking his own life to stop whatever threatens the city of Toledo.


It's somewhat unclear why Tyler would choose to be a police officer, although rumor has it that his anger issues used to be far worse, to the point he got himself into a fight with someone who pulled a gun on him and shot him in the stomach. He would've died had it not been for a police officer on patrol finding him and calling for an ambulance. In a sense, perhaps he feels this is the best way he can pay back the officer's mercy, as he came to the realization that he needed to get a handle on his anger before that happened again, and luck wouldn't be on his side twice.


- While he occasionally gets into squabbles with his coworkers, he has a lot of respect for them.
- He is Latino