
3 years, 3 months ago


Zane (Last name Unknown)

??? (Deceased) || 5'9"|| Light || N/A


Care-free - Calm - Depressed - Witty - Lonely

If Reagan isn't the light of the party, then Zane fills that void easily. He speaks softly, and is hardly ever harsh to anyone. Some have described him as almost therapeutic, as being his presence can boost morale and help people through dark times, which is very useful in high stress situations. Although...he does hide something behind that smile of his. He has a hard time comprehending that he is in fact a ghost, who for some reason came back from the dead.


Who or what caused Zane's death is a mystery to most, even to Zane himself. Several theories have floated around as to why the ghost exists, or what his unfinished business is, but the one theory with the most ground to it appears to be he stuck his nose too far into a case...and was killed to silence him before he could spread the word on his findings. He can't remember though what he found, nor who killed him...although occasionally, he feels terrible pain in his chest, followed by a headache starting between his eyes. Perhaps, this is a hint on his cause of death?


As a Ghost, Zane can pass through walls no problem. Weapons also don't do anything to him, any attempt of physical damage simply passes through his form. He is also notably cold to the touch. 

His main attraction comes down to his ability to possess people. This ability is broken down into two parts:

Passive possession: 
Zane does not control the possessed, but can see what they're seeing and speak to them in their head. People who are possessed this way feel unusually cold and cannot warm themselves up, and they always feel like someone's there, even when they're all alone. No matter how hard his victims try, they cannot kick him out when Passive possession is being used.

Active possession:
Here, Zane attempts to control the possessed. This isn't always successful against those with strong wills, but if so he can control the movements of his victim and even use their powers (albeit at a very rudimentary level, as he's not well versed in them). He can however get kicked out eventually, with enough resistance.

Both parts he can stop using whenever he likes.


Theme song: Weighty Ghosts