Sweet Soul Child




Complete | Basic detail | Up to date | Last updated July 2017

Sweet Soul Child
Sweet Soul Child
Demonic soul
Only exists as a concept
January 2015
Quickstats & Design Notes

  • The Sweet Soul Child is a soul, a fictional representation of a person's mind
  • SSC is a rather sweet and gentle soul, careful about his actions
  • His white flame burns inside his body, creating a white spot
  • Unlike some of his depictions, he only has two arms


Colour palette


Height 300cm/9'11"
Weight 700kg/1543lbs
Body build Lithe
Designer ElithianFox
Skin colour Dark grey
Eye colour Light grey
Hair colour None
Horn colour Dark grey

Sweet Soul Child is a grey skinned very tall demonic soul. He is 300cm or 9'10 in height and has the relative weight of 700kg or 1543lbs. His skin is very dark grey in colour and has a glass-like texture, is cold to the touch, and is very hard, almost indestructible. He is slim and flat but has broad shoulders and medium sized hips, and a flat belly. He is androgynous in appearance, so he has no genitals or nipples. He does have a long slim tail.


His face is large and his chin square and broad. He is completely bald and has two skin coloured horns on top of his head. His eyes are usually relaxed, and they have no pupils and are just blank, but it's still somewhat visible where he's looking. He has a very flat straight long nose. He has two long pointy ears and tends to wear a calm smile or a neutral expression. Despite his brows being swollen they never make him look angry or aggressive.


The Sweet Soul Child is a timid and kind soul. He is introverted and prefers to keep quiet and observe over acting. He has a high amount of empathy but rarely expresses this, often only using this to estimate how others will act around him. SSC is a submissive soul who can't stand up for himself, often letting people walk over him, but he can open his mouth when he needs to. As a result he's also a bit of a smart mouth and loves to use his silence and his observance to his advantage. He won't easily protest against something but when he wants something he'll be impulsive in eventually getting it.



Souls are a type of entity that is linked to every living creature except for plants. Every creature that is alive has a soul, and this soul is a direct result of them being alive. They aren’t a tangible entity, but rather a metaphor for the brain. They represent the collection of a person's personality, interests, likes, dislikes, opinions, and generally everything about who they are. The reason why souls exist is the existence of magic essence; every living creature possesses a small amount of mana energy that is responsible for the soul’s existence.

The only context in which a soul would have a visual appearance, is when visiting someone else’s soul space or when the soul is being projected outside the body, the latter of which is even more rare than the former. The soul isn't a complete carbon copy of the person it belongs to both in appearance and in personality, it often look wildly different from the person and only possess part of their personality. They are always grey and depending on the type of soul it is, will have some features like a tail, a flame, and markings. A soul has no literal visual form and the only way to understand a being's inner working is through the metaphor expressed in five senses.

There are two types of souls; natural souls and developmental souls. A natural soul will have its nature be much more dominant and its nurture be less important but still influential over what the person is like; the other way round for a developmental soul. Nature can't do without nurture and nurture can't do without nature, so both aspects are present.

The soul space also holds an entity called the Person. This being is a metaphorical representation of the person the soul belongs to, identical in their current appearance and personality but with the added benefit of being aware that it's in the soul space and that the soul is right with them. The soul and the Person operate as one being, but are still capable of having discussions between each other. The result of these discussions ultimately decide how the real person will behave.

Very few people can look into the soul of another person, but if they were to do so, they would appear as a projection of their Person in an all grey endless room called the soul space where they can see and interact with the soul and the native Person. These interactions are not literal, but they do explain what is happening when two souls interact. Whenever a visiting Person is in this projected state, however, they cannot take the memories they acquire within the other person's soul space, as the memories would be stored in another person's temporary memory, not their own. When they leave, the memories the visiting Person acquired vanish, though the native soul and the native Person remember their interactions with the visiting Person.

To add onto that last point, few people know of the existence of their soul, at least in the way it appears. While the soul is capable of thought and even internal discussion of its own, these thoughts will not be transferred to the person's consciousness and only exist to benefit cognitive processes and subconscious thoughts through interaction with the Person. The soul and the Person decide what the person does through their combined thinking process. If the soul weren’t displayed as a metaphor, no one would be aware of its existence in a way some people are now.

Without a soul, a person would be alive but technically speaking braindead. Every cell in their body would still live given they get enough energy to keep working, but the driving force behind the brain would be gone. They say that the soul is located within the brain, the heart, and the mana pool,the last of which is located in the belly. Souls have the unique feature that their mana can empower other living beings, often gods, without making the person who owns it weaker. These two qualities are a reason why gods hunt souls when they can't get followers, and why Deimos only eats the brain, heart, and guts of his victims while leaving the rest untouched.