


3 years, 3 months ago



Labels are not ascribed within the wild, and it is perhaps the most beneficial ignorance sentient-kind could do with.

[ Fairy ]

[ Male ]

[ 8.75 inches ]

[ Deceptively soft ]

[ Pansexual ]

[ January 10th | ♑ ]

[ Scientist ]

[ High-Fantasy ]

Eilan's betrothed. Things are as bumpy as one would expect...

Marin rests on the laurels of his family's noble and exquisitely decadent upbringing. Despite a wealth of choices for his future, he got a bit sidetracked in his youth and found himself enamored with the study of natural wildlife and magical, summonable creatures (and is he ever dedicated to his studies, willing to forgo humanoid contact solely to observe creatures and animals).

He is blind to the understanding of his advantages, however, and expects other fairies to be able to work as hard as him, or to be as intellectual, have great taste for fine things, and so on...

Now that he's older and has more time to sit back rather than "toil" at his notes or observe in the field, he has allowed his family to push him further into the fairy governmental side of things, and so far... He is not impressed. Other than all of his suitors being fair in the face, he feels outdated in attitude by comparison (but he's always been a square, even as a young man)... Politics disinterest him, as most of it feels like a game of status, which he whole-heartedly does not believe he is a part of.

Unlike most of his peers, he doesn't enjoy doing most of those cruel little 'fun' things other fairies enjoy doing, can come off dour, frigid, or downright smarmily-confident in his opinions, doesn't eat meat, and even has a hard time stomaching certain plants (due to being able to perceive their sentience from various years of studies)... But he is obsessed with drinking, and there are times it has saved an awkward evening for Marin to be knee-deep in drink, shedding off a bit of his natural lack of charm...
He holds on to positive notions toward himself and avoids all the negative, somewhat preying on others naiveté or kindness to puff himself up.

Notes and trivia:
- He wear any style of glasses-- he has the money for it and uses this to his advantage, as he desperately needs his glasses to see properly
- He is a bit stuffy and refuses to go 'adventure' or have fun (as others would see it) unless its related to his work
- Used to be beanpole thin and got a little softer when he discovered his enjoyment for alcohol
- Has extremely picky tastes in about everything ever, and you will learn about these things