faygo / f2u html (CODE)




FAYGO / by cati/dogboy
    accent: #070F4A
            (use ctrl+f + replace for accent/icon replacement)
    mobile friendly + custom colors! ✔✔✔

    - fav/comment if using pls!
    - not wysiwyg friendly so please turn that off!
    - feel free to edit/frakenstein/etc if you feel, just pls dont remove my credit!!
    - have a nice day!!


<!--- bg pattern, bc of the text over the bg id suggest using one that doesnt have too heavy of a pattern/easy to read text on! --->
<div class="container-fluid" style="background:url(https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/25533752_5RGnl6khqBJ23lJ.jpg) repeat fixed;max-width:500px;margin:30px auto 5px;border-radius:10px;">
    <div class="row no-gutters">
    <div class="col-lg-5 pt-3">
         <div class="col-12 p-3 my-3" style="background-color:#FFFFFF;max-width:95%;overflow:auto;margin-left:2%;">
                    <div class="text-center">
                    <!--- music player, remove URLHERE with the end of a yt link --->
                        <iframe class="flex-fill" style="height:1em;width:1em;opacity:0;position:absolute;margin-top:5.5px;z-index:1;" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen 
                        src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/URLHERE"></iframe><i class="fas fa-play fa-2x" style="color: #070F4A;"></i>
                        <!--- song info --->
                        <br><span class="font-italic" style="font-size:10px;color:#070F4A;"><i class="fas fa-compact-disc fa-spin"></i>  song name - artist</span></span>
            <div class="col-12 text-center">
          	 <!--- sidebar image, can be a chibi or something, same dimension (200x200, 100x100) images are best, you can work with verticle images, wide images are probably not your ideal here --->
               <img src="https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/thumbnails/23539847_5M9.png" style="max-height:190px;border-radius:10px;">
    <div class="col-lg-7 p-3">
        <!--- bar image --->
        <div class="card my-2" style="background: url(https://64.media.tumblr.com/dbda10719da3f26017cc9066eb115d06/2e4d07c3dd890c92-c6/s500x750/587216a19d1fb05cf0bd5fadc81a5df59f5bbe2f.gif); background-size:cover;background-position:center;height:50px;border:0px;"></div>
        <!--- name, age, etc --->
            <h3 class="text-uppercase font-italic" style="color:#070F4A;font-size:15px;letter-spacing:3px;margin-top:8%;" align="center">name / age / gender</h3>
            <div style="background-color:#FFFFFF;max-height:150px;overflow:auto;">
            <div align="center">
            <!--- intro, you can write as much as youd like, itll scroll! --->
                <center><p class="text-center p-3 font-italic" style="color:#070F4A;font-size:13px;">
                  	Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum non auctor lorem. Maecenas et viverra nibh. Duis eget dignissim dolor. Ut eu turpis porta, bibendum odio vitae, efficitur leo.</p>
            <!--- links --->
                  <h3 class="text-uppercase my-3" style="color:#070F4A;font-size:19px;letter-spacing:3px;" align="center">
                      <a href="URLHERE"><i class="fab fa-twitter" style="color:#070F4A;"></i></a> •
                      <a href="URLHERE"><i class="fab fa-deviantart" style="color:#070F4A;"></i></a> •
                      <a href="URLHERE"><i class="fab fa-instagram" style="color:#070F4A;"></i></a> •
                      <a href="URLHERE"><i class="fab fa-tumblr" style="color:#070F4A;"></i></a> •
            <!--- my credit, dont remove pls!! --->
                      <a href="https://toyhou.se/8472418.faygo-f2u-html"><i class="fad fa-rainbow" style="color:#070F4A;"></i></a></h3>