

3 years, 3 months ago


Name: NiM

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pan

Race: Cursed Harpy? Nobody know's what she is.

Other names: Night Mother (Cryptid Name)


Mannerisms: Ruffled feathers when angry or flustered.

Likes: salmon, turquoise, drawing, crafting trinkets, open spaces, sun spots

Dislikes: spicey, the moon, human adults, loud noises, enclosed spaces, storms

Positive Traits: Gentle, Just, Easygoing

Negative Traits: Forgetful, Gullible, Mischievous

Hobbies: Drawing, Crafting, Hunting

Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality Type

Towards strangers she can be pretty shy. Not really introducing herself unless its serious. She'll rescue those she finds in danger if they really need  someone at that point. She holds a soft spot for children who end up either getting lost or coaxed into the forest. As opposed to any adults, which she happens to be more cautious towards due to their dangerous attention towards the forest.

With friends she's much more open and cheerful. Though preferring to listen to them  talk over adding anything herself, this makes her a pretty good  listener, as well as a fairly patient person. She'll protect her friends  with her life and do what she can to break up any fights between  acquaintances.

Towards enemies she isn't the one to throw  the first punch, regardless of what words are thrown at her. She'll do  what she can to de-escalate a confrontation but if it's a fight they  want, it's a fight they'll get. She's not a killer of course, but she will throw down until they can't get back up.


Name: Beast of the Moon

Description: During the full moon, should its light reach her, she will turn into a horrendous beast several times big. In this form her senses of sound and touch are dulled and it leaves her as nothing more than a literal mindless creature. Should you be fighting her she will set her sights onto your visage and stop at nothing to take you down.

Weakness: Get her out of the moonlight or knock her out and she'll be down for the count. The process takes a toll on her body and can leave her physically exhausted for up to several days depending on how long she was left in such a state throughout the night.

Full Moon Beast Mode

(As stated above)

Quarter Moon Beast Mode

Desc: Her senses are a lot sharper and her instincts become a bit more erratic.

Crescent & Gibbous Beast Mode

Desc: She's in full control of herself. And can use her other powers freely.

Name: Dagger Feathers

Description: She has the ability to harden her feathers in the light of the moon and use them as daggers.

Weakness: When they're hardened she cannot fly due to them being too heavy.


Occupation: Local Cryptid and Forest Protector

Favorite Possession: A shiny bauble she made into a necklace

Favorite Weapon: Talons



Having awoken in the forest without any recollection of her past, she wandered throughout the woods, lost. Unsure of what she was or even what to do. Eventually coming upon a few of the other cryptids of the area, they ran her through the ropes of things. Claiming that the forest though big, was slowly being subjected to human deforestation for the sake of 'progress'. And unfortunately, the forest itself happens to be a hotspot for most of them, given that the majority of the outskirts are surrounded by human civilization along the rest of the borders. Not only that, hunters and cryptozoologist have been roaming the place for years as well. Leaving traps and scaring game away.

Knowing all this, NiM does what she can to keep her friends and herself safe. Oftentimes scaring away any adult humans that happen to get too close to their homes. Children on the other hand happen to get a free pass in this department. She see's them as small and a lot less dangerous as adults, given most just happen to brush off their wild accusations regarding her and the others. Which works in her favor, but unfortunately tends to backfire when they keep coming back in hopes of catching their own photo's or attempt of befriending.

This is also how she got a name for herself, though regarded as the 'Night Mother' to the children, her friends call her NiM for short. Which she quite prefer's as its a lot less professional.

The forest isn't all that safe, as there are some cryptid's that are a lot more dangerous as opposed to them. And have it out for mankind as a whole and will at times stalk them near the outskirts only to lure them in and kill them off for the sake of sending a message to those on the outside.


Relationships: None


She'll befriend any cryptid's in the area that wanna be pal's.

Mikey - Bestie
Moth - Grumpy Uncle