Blubie's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

bagl Global Rules

Please view my full TOS this is only a summarized version!

Please note that you are agreeing to both documents in full by choosing to continue commissioning me after I have provided these documents to view. It is advised to read both versions carefully.

Summary of my TOS is as follows:

- Don’t be horrible/scummy and you won't be blacklisted

- My content CANNOT be uploaded to or interact with Meta or affiliated domains in ANY capacity

- Greylisted and blacklisted users cannot purchase my content during the listing period

- I have the right to cancel a commission, reasoning will be provided

- My work is for personal use only, commercial rights may be discussed

- Don’t use my work for AI at all

- Monetary payment is currently only through paypal and cash app

- Redesigning my content has regulations, please view them in the extended version for further info

- Editing my art may only be done by me. Any edits by others may only be done with my explicit permission

- I take holds and payment plans, please read extended version for more info

- I will not send the finished commission until I’m paid in full

- Additional contact information is in the extended version

- I will send updates on commissions whenever there’s a notable update or it is requested

- I send finished commissions through DMs, toyhouse, or email. DMs is the default and I will often upload customs to toyhouse. Email must be specifically requested

- Contact me before adding/removing my designs from an original species

- Major changes after finishing may require an additional fee

- I will happily answer any questions about my TOS