

Basic Info


Caffeine, Kaferine




Chemical witch




Non-aging regenerative semi-immortal (natural)


after almost a year since i made the last two chemical witches, here’s Caffeine! also known as Kaferine. she’s going to appear in a tentative second chapter of the scoville scale sisters story! she’s around the same chronological age as the sisters, she wants to be capsaicin’s rival!


As a chemical witch, her cartooney appearance is not too notorious in her face features but in her movement. She has dark skin and dark brown hair with a zigzag shape that she usually wears in twintails and as such, reaches a bit past her shoulders. One lock of hair pops out of her hairline on her forehead, also shaped as a zig zag. Her eyes are golden and she has a small pointy nose, as well as pointy ears.

She has two piercings under her lips (snake bites) and three on each ear, all golden. She also wears plenty of golden jewelry and orange lipstick.

She's almost never seen not wearing rollerskates.


Caffeine is intensely energetic and hyperextroverted. She's able to keep up with many people in her life and at once, she's rather friendly and willing to perform many exciting activities. She's very confident, sometimes to the point of arrogance. She might come off as conceited in certain aspects, and annoying in how she talks so much about herself- but she's often just wanting to engage in conversation. She's not very good adapting to people who aren't as energetic; she can be insensitive and a bit of a bully and it's hard for her to swallow her pride but she will if necessary, she's not out there for blood- neither in the literal or emotional sense. She's very popular and well liked, she talks and moves very fast and doesn't blame anyone for not being able to keep up with her, but also might boost their energy without consent if she's particularly excited.

She care deeply for her people and everyone she befriends and tries to never forget them. She's always on top of most things but even she bites more than she can chew at times, no matter how capable she believes herself to be.


She can use yellow magic, an electricity and energy related magic. She uses this magic so much she's often surrounded by sparks, however the amount of energy she can generate is not so much that it would be lethal, and she never uses it this way; she prefers to use it for speed and energy, or to paralyze others if necessary. She can also manipulate her element, caffeine, which makes her able to influence people around her so they'll become energized- she doesn't generate energy in them, she just stimulates their brains so they'll focus their energy on that particular moment. This can tire people out so she has to be careful, and thankfully she's also skilled in supressing the caffeine from someone entirely so they don't get intoxicated.

She's also skilled in electronics, she likes to make electricity powered machines in general. She's a very good radio host and likes to perform as a DJ.

She has a familiar! It's a terrifying monster that she has improved with her own machines. Surprisingly, not a lot of people know about this.


Caffeine is one chemical witch who wasn't born out of a former witch. She was born out of a spirit instead- she doesn't hold memories of a past life or anything, but she has the essence of a girl who used to live in her hometown a long time ago. This links her to her town more than usual and helps her be as social as she is. She cares a lot for her town, and is very aware of the social connections between all of the realm. She has won plenty of good reputation with the years, yet...

They keep getting so much credit, don't they.

(more will be revealed in-story)


  • Her motifs are lightning bolts and gold.
  • She barely needs sleep or any rest.
  • Even though the shape of her hair is humanly impossible, if it were realistic it would be kinky curly.
  • Likes music a lot in general, but genres like nightcore are the few ones that she feels aren't in slow motion.
  • Has her own brew of extra strong coffee. It's probably tasty but also will make you dissociate after 2 sips.
  • She "rules" over coffee, tea and chocolate.
  • Decaf coffee ALWAYS breaks her heart.