Ravakela (Rave)



3 years, 3 months ago


NAME: Ravakela (Rah-vah-keh-lah)
SPECIES: Kaodegan Demon
AGE: ~2,000 years old. His human form appears to be late twenties.
PRONOUNS: he/they/it
HEIGHT: 6'1"
PERSONALITY: Rave is a hothead and is almost always in a bad mood. He flies off the handle very easily and resorts to violence to solve almost any problem. He does have a soft side, but it's only ever shown to the Nightmare demons, who he is the "leader" of and thinks of himself as basically their parent. He is very determined, stubborn, and brash, yet very intelligent and quick on his feet.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: demons don't really "get tattoos" like normal humans would, so all of his tattoos are actually physical alterations he made to his "human" form. He can change them at will and because of this sometimes they will randomly move or flicker.

Kaodegan are the second most powerful demons, and the most “basic” type of demon. They are humanoid appearing, often with horns, sharp teeth, claws, tails, pointed ears and sometimes animal feet or other animalistic qualities, but not always. Some even have wings. Their appearances vary a decent amount, so there isn’t really one way that a Kaodegan can look. These are the demons most likely to possess humans and use their bodies to exist in and interact with Loxenia. They can last in a human body for around a year max before having to either return to Priddemel or switch hosts. Possessing a host also means they have to consume more human energy than they would if they were just existing in Priddemel, or appearing in Loxenia without possessing a host (essentially existing almost as ghosts). The main reason the demons would appear in Loxenia without actually presenting themselves or possessing a host is to feed on a human’s energy to extend their life force.