


3 years, 3 months ago




"Quote here..."
Name Akira
Name Pronunciation Ah-Key-rah
Species Human
Age 19
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexual Orientation Gay
Occupation Student
Residence [info]
Status [info]
Design Notes
  • Has a lot of hair! Pink and layered with purple being the shading/shadow color and gravity defying in a way.
    Alternatively, you could color his hair where it's pink and he has the under/inner part of his hair dyed purple
  • Tattoos regularly shift in color, design, and placement since he can control ink, so have fun with his tattoos!
  • Multiple piercings on his left ear and a japanese wind chime styled earring in his right ear. Design on the glass and charm can be whatever you like! 
  • -
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He is extremely blunt, self centered, optimistic (of sort) and a flirt. He lives mostly for himself and his amusement, and to find the best way to live while having fun. He loves his friends and will do everything in his power to keep them safe and happy as he cherishes them and keeping them safe and happy keeps him in good spirits as well.
He's the friend that is always up for anything and everything, and he can also be the more perceptive one in the group (not that he'll say anything even if he suspects something, unless extremely important) sometimes, but usually seems an airhead since he doesn't actually want to try as trying is just hard. 

  • Gets bored easily. When bored he tends to pull ink from whatever is nearest to him (usually in class, so the textbooks and handouts) to make cute designs in the air to animate and entertain himself and sometimes entertain his fellow peers. 
  • Likes going to sleep hugging a huge plushie. 
  • Very physically affectionate. 
  • Halloween is his favorite holiday since he goes all out with his inking ability. He'll ink his teeth with glowing ink, his tongue, his eyes, nails, entire face and body, absolutely anything depending on what he wants to dress up as. 
  • Has decided to have a side job as a tattoo artist as well as help with tattoo removal, especially for those with needle phobia.
  • Likes skateboarding.
  • Loves rollercoasters and adrenaline fueled rides but can’t deal with just heights. Can’t walk on a clear floor high up that lets you see the ground below because it terrifies him and he either freezes in place or scrambles away.
  • Sometimes chews gum loudly in class when he wants to be annoying.
Ink Manipulation
-He can manipulate ink from any source that has ink, pulling it out of the source (his own skin, books, prints, dyes, etc) and shape it into anything he can imagine which will then become solid. He can make anything at all, from weapons, to cute designs in the air and animate them, to wings to help him fly. 
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac ex lorem. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan. Sed porta mattis rhoncus. Cras ac leo ut nibh scelerisque dapibus egestas sit amet nisi. Nunc pretium imperdiet posuere. Vivamus pulvinar arcu nec nibh fermentum, vel elementum massa vehicula. Ut quis magna blandit, posuere sapien ac, sollicitudin diam. Donec laoreet erat ac fringilla varius. Etiam id metus vitae odio eleifend aliquam. Vivamus suscipit eu ligula eu accumsan.

Maecenas suscipit sollicitudin lectus sed finibus. Mauris ullamcorper gravida lectus et laoreet. Proin eu elit non ligula feugiat sodales. Sed sed massa vitae nibh auctor interdum. Ut gravida sem eu leo suscipit, non ullamcorper dui cursus. Maecenas vel lobortis massa. Fusce sagittis metus massa, et tempus orci convallis eu. Donec non tortor rhoncus, consequat mauris vitae, placerat erat. Duis semper, metus vel bibendum interdum, felis sapien placerat mi, eget fringilla lectus quam sit amet arcu. Maecenas maximus nulla non nisi rutrum, non vulputate tellus ornare. Fusce quis tincidunt ex. Sed vitae sollicitudin odio. Quisque lacinia placerat efficitur.

Pellentesque dictum, dolor nec lacinia venenatis, orci purus fermentum ante, eget semper metus nunc eu ex. Nullam non quam ullamcorper, ornare lorem ac, tincidunt urna. Quisque suscipit ornare tortor eu sagittis. Ut luctus mauris a pellentesque hendrerit. Donec tincidunt pharetra malesuada. Vivamus blandit dolor faucibus justo pretium, a elementum odio aliquam. Duis volutpat vitae purus at facilisis.


Subaru is his boyfriend whom he loves dearly and who suffers from social anxiety. The two have been dating for two years.