


6 years, 11 months ago



Name || Patroclus
Species || European jackal
Sex || Male
Gender || Agender (he/him & they/them)
Age || Immortal / ancient
Role || Deity of life & guidance
Ethnicity || Greek
Orientation || Asexual
Status || Single
Theme || "Power" - Bastille


⇀ Description

Patroclus is a deity of both life and guidance in the Underworld. A restless spirit himself, they are in charge of keeping eyes on the wandering souls that have been refused passage to the Underworld by Charon. During the season of spring they are known for aiding alongside Demeter with the growth of crops and plants, symbolizing birth and plentiful living. People that supply offerings to them are often those seeking abundant crops or those that are poor or have committed sins out of hope that if improperly laid to rest, Patroclus will guide them anyways.

Plucking one of the flowers that bloom from Patroclus' spear wounds are rumoured to provide the user with longevity and clearance of disease. However, these must be willingly gifted from the deity to induce these desired effects, as forcefully picking one will result in illness and a quick death instead. If the thief isn't properly buried and is declined passage, Patroclus will refuse to guide their soul for the amount of time they are sentenced to wander. While the thief lives the rest of their shortened life, Patroclus has been known to be a culprit in the decline of their crops and food out of spite and the proper 'justice' he deems for their immoral actions.

Oftentimes Patroclus is seen as an indifferent god that is neither overly good nor bad, though they do show signs of being charitable to those that are unlucky or poor. He only truly becomes callous when facing the souls that have deceived or angered him before they died. Besides this, he generally doesn't judge or favour the lost spirits that come to him as it is only his job to look over them and nothing else.

⇀ Stats

Affection || ★ ★
Patience || ★ ★ ★ ★
Temper || ★ ★ ★
Sensitivity || ★ ★
Creativity || ★ ★
Maturity || ★ ★ ★ ★

Generosity || ★ ★
Optimism || ★
Empathy || ★ ★
Logical || ★ ★ ★ ★
Bravery || ★ ★ ★ ★
Stamina || ★ ★ ★ ★

Intelligence || ★ ★ ★ ★
Insight || ★ ★ ★ ★
Confidence || ★ ★ ★ ★
Politeness || ★ ★
Focus || ★ ★ ★
Work Ethic || ★ ★



⇀ Background

Patroclus was birthed from the River Styx, which in Greek mythology is thought to have been the boundary between the mortal world and underworld. Named after the deity Styx, it is rumoured that those who bathe in the river water will be gifted with immortality. The river is also one of the rivers in which the ferryman Charon escorts the newly dead across. Because of the location he was birthed at, Patroclus is able to travel freely between the worlds, connected through the Styx and its gifted powers.

Though a minor deity, Patroclus had been made to truly act as a wandering soul himself. As the Styx is presented as the boundary between the two realms, Patroclus wasn't given an official setting and thus wasn't fully accepted in either world. Though perhaps this placement was intentional. After all, what better leader for the lost souls than a nomadic deity such as himself? Yet either way, Patroclus is doomed to teeter between the edges of each world for eternity, an unfortunate sentence for being birthed as he was.

⇀ Important Moments

  • The birthing of Patroclus. He emerges from the river's water, eventually becoming known as the deity of life and guidance. During the spring he has commonly become known to aid the goddess Demeter with the growth of crops.
  • Because of the Styx's ability to grant immortality, Patroclus also has a play with life. As he aids with the crops, essentially he has the ability to either gift one's life with bountiful living, or sentence one's life with failed crop growth (eventually dooming them to starvation).

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