Wishlist/Preferences's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

FuchsiaPlume Global Rules

Please follow these rules when owning/trading any of my designs! If these rules are broken, I will send a note to the owner first or block/blacklist if such an action is needed later:

-Please don’t take credit for designing them, you may redesign them, but please credit me for designing them originally.

-Please don’t add to their value unless there has been art added to them while they belonged to you. Free designs such as raffles or gifts will always have a base value of $0.

-The base value that you bought my design for stays that price! Please do not list the base value you paid to me as higher than it really is. This is only for base value, commission value can still be added on but must be accurate to the amount paid.

(Base values are usually specified in the ownership log! Please reference them if needed/if available)