
3 years, 2 months ago



Born: June 1st, 1540AR

Ascended: April 24th 1568AR

Species: Human/Ethereal

Height: 3'6" (106cm)

Weight: 50lbs (23kg)

Gender: Female

First Appearance: Raggaza Volpe Magica Ch. 34

Likes: Solitude, Resonators, Electronics

Dislikes: Crowds, Government, Maestros, Outsourcing

If there was ever a person to be called a "mad scientist" Rose would be it. She was a revolutionary during the time she lived. Even after her very early death and ascension to Ethereal, she continued work right up until this day.

She's considered one of the most brilliant minds of the millennia, revolutionizing Maestro - Resonator relations, for better or worse. The place where she feels she belongs is in her own head and nobody else is welcome.

She comes off as a bit smug, sarcastic even. She's confident in her knowledge and her work. Though most people don't really get to see much of her personality as she makes a point to live far away from civilization to avoid seeing the garbage that is modern society.

That being said, she isn't a total social misfit. There are very few people that she will allow into her life. In her nearly five hundred year existence, she's watched a handful of people come and go. As time went on, she grew more and more bitter about this, wondering why none of them were exceptional enough to stay by her side.

As an inventor she is very prideful of her inventions, and hates to see them misused. Despite making the Tuner to bring Maestros and Resonators closer together, hundreds of years of maestros abusing her inventions have made her jaded towards maestros. It got to the point where she stopped monitoring tuners produced in her own world, and only kept an eye on tuners that she personally crafted.

As of late, she's grown bored. She has optimized the specs of modern tuners to such a ridiculous degree that not only are they nearly indestructible from a physical standpoint but the range of communication between the user and their target resonator has neared interplanetary distances.

Though, the wish sage seems to have smiled upon her; as recent events have sent new situations and specimens her way


Rose was born in 1540, well before the technological revolution. Prior to her birth, the methods that resonators were commanded were simple, or in her own words barbaric. It has been said that Rose was a genius of the ages, an intellect that comes only once every few thousand years. And she did not squander her gift.

She read every book she could get ahold of with a reading speed that would make most people wonder if she was absorbing the words through osmosis. Besides reading she loved resonators. Everything about them fascinated her. Even at a young age she was a bit of an eccentric one, spending all of her time reading and only eating and drinking the bare minimum to survive.

In a strange twist of events, she dreamt up the modern tuner in a sleep deprived stupor. She had to make it despite only being twelve at the time.

By the time of her thirteenth birthday she had a proof of concept made up. Her first tests were no better than the methods of the time, but she persisted. By the spring of 1554, she had a working build of her new device, which was dubbed the "tuner". The name as she explained, tunes the Maestro to the Resonator. She had tons of ideas for features she wanted to implement into the new device, but the technology just wasn't there yet.

News of this more efficient method of commanding resonators spread like wildfire, and Rose, only fourteen at the time was the center of attention. She agreed to work with several governments of the world to mass produce the device, but only if she could keep full rights over production and distribution of the new technology. There were some additional stipulations the governments wanted added, which she capitulated with.

How she died

Despite working with the various governments of the world to begin distributing the device, various organizations wanted control of this technology. Reverse engineering the tuners out in the wild was a difficult affair, as Rose had designed the devices in such a confusing manner that nobody knew what they were looking at when they finally managed to crack them open.

Some organizations took exception to the fact that one single woman was getting the better of them. April 24th, 1568AR, a group of men broke into the house where she lived and slit her throat.

With Rose out of the way, the assailants began gathering up her research and prototypes they noticed their hair standing on end. When they turned to see what was the cause of the sudden electricity, they would find Rose, now ascended as an ethereal, and as it turned out, she had been granted powers similar of a lightning resonator.

Life after Ascension

As mentioned before, she was granted all the skills of a lightning resonator, despite being a normal human in life. She was now immortal, stuck in the small body she had prior to her death. Most ethereals upon ascending go on soul searching journeys.

But not Rose. She was ecstatic to be dead in fact. This meant that she could now completely dedicate herself to her research without the pesky interruptions of biological functions. And the best part was now nobody could kill her and try to take her secrets again.

So research she did. Technology advanced at a steady rate and it was all thanks to Rose.

Most of the time, it would go a little something like this:

  • Rose wanted a new feature added to the tuner.
  • But the technology to implement such a feature just didn't exist.
  • She would bury herself in research and trials for a couple of decades
  • At the end of it, she would have made the technology she was looking for
As a result, people would spend another few decades attempting to reverse engineer whatever feature Rose added so they could use that technology for other purposes.

Because of this, Rose is sometimes called the "Mother of Modern Technology"