of the Lunar Eclipse



3 years, 2 months ago



  of the Lunar Eclipse   THE god of creeping change

TN: Eire

Court: -

Purpose: -

The two Highers of the Eclipse have always been controversial figures, as their charges are subversions of nature's intent. When the Moon falls into shadow, it takes on an unnatural red hue, stained bloody, lasting longer than a solar eclipse. This domain of uncertainty is Eire's, a harbinger of slow unfamiliarity.

His chosen gods find themselves warped over time, changed from their original purpose and lost in their new identities. To be claimed by him when coming-of-age is to know that, through suffering and struggle, through effort and failure, one may look in a mirror and never recognize their own face again at all.

Eire himself is secretive, rarely appearing to mortals, though some claim he lives deep within the swamp's murk. He turns away those who appear at his door, rejecting any who would willingly succumb to his alterations. There is only room in his heart for his duality, Elier, whom he teasingly pushes away until convinced by his charm.

Together, they represent the push-and-pull of familiar romance, a never-ending dance that can never be broken - in hatred or in marriage. They are worshipped always together during the Festival of the Totality.

Race: Rhino

Spectrum: Harmonic

Month: Ultredan