of the Solar Eclipse



3 years, 2 months ago



  of the Solar Eclipse   THE god of curt change

TN: Elier

Court: -

Purpose: -

The two Highers of the Eclipse have always been controversial figures, as their charges are subversions of nature's intent. When the Moon engulfs the Sun, it plunges the world into unnatural darkness, stark and sudden. This domain of uncertainty is Elier's, a harbinger of sudden, uncomfortable change.

His chosen gods follow in his footsteps, always being markers of alterations and shifting of power, influence, laws, or magic. To be claimed by him during a coming-of-age ceremony is to know that one's life will be significant, their decisions vast, and choices important, but to carry that weight on their shoulders may break them.

Elier himself is known to be tricksy and suave, charming but distant. Though he may seduce mortals, his true heart lies with his duality, Eire, whom he chases diligently. A solar eclipse has occurred when, after months of courtship, he has enticed Eire to his bed.

Together, they represent the push-and-pull of familiar romance, a never-ending dance that can never be broken - in hatred or in marriage. They are worshipped always together during the Festival of the Totality.

Race: Pronghorn

Spectrum: Chaotic

Month: Ultredan