Gift for Clone <3's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

DancingBallerina Global Rules
- You may not resell any of the designs you got free from me unless personal/commissioned artwork is included. Requests and gifts are not counted. - You may not sell commissioned/bought designs higher than the amount you paid for unless commissioned/person art is included. Again, Requests and gifts are not counted. - Do not heavily copy or get inspired by any of my designs. When a slight inspiration is there, try your best to credit. Changing the colors or alter the markings a bit is not okay and is considered stealing. - Traded designs can be only retraded or regifted. You may not sell them unless commissioned/personal art is included. - Gifted designs can be only regifted unless commissioned/personal art is included. - You may not claim the designs as yours. - You may redesign the designs you get from me unless it says no. The credit may not be removed. - When the design is bought. It can not be refunded unless I said it can. - You can co-own with someone else. - It's preferred to notify me when trading, selling or regifting the design. Whoever it is optional. - Credit my TH account when uploading your character there, DancingBallerina.