ALTERED-ZER0's Bulletins

$25 Box Icon/Pagedoll comm [Open]

Posted 3 months, 22 days ago by ALTERED-ZER0

Taking 5 slots of icon like this for $25 each. This is a quicker/loosen up style than my usual icon, hence the cheaper pricing :> 


I'm in a mood of drawing feral character (esp dragon),but any kind of character is welcome! (I only have these derg examples atm though)
If you're interested in getting one please use my ko-fi link

Thank you!

F2E Raffle (nm)

Posted 6 months, 6 days ago by ALTERED-ZER0

My buddy is hosting f2e raffle!
Link to the raffle.


Opinions wanted

Posted 7 months, 8 days ago by ALTERED-ZER0

Hello, I haven't been active here lately. Sorry for coming out of a woodwork with a random question.

Getting right to the point, what is your opinion on artist not accepting commission of characters from certain fandom? Or anything related to said fandom at all, fan characters included.

It's something I've been thinking about for awhile as I might implement these in my next commission opening. I know there are plenty of artist including something like this in their tos, but I'd like to hear people's opinion on it and how do I word it properly so it doesn't sound passive-aggressive in my tos?

(To clarify if this apply to fandom you enjoy, you do you! I don't hate you. It just certain fandom made me uncomfortable that I don't wish to associate with it at all)

Thank you for taking your time to read this! Have a nice day!

Looking to rehome character some characters that I barely use /

Freebie / Trade folder (willing to let one labelled as 'art trade' goes for a single headshot honestly)
**1 Freebie per person only** Not first come first serve.

Sales folder
**If you're my mutuals/have done a trade with me before I'm also willing to let these go for art as well**


Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by ALTERED-ZER0

If you receive a random art transfer from me, that's probably from a wishlist request I did back in December!
I hope you guys enjoy those! I will be doing a few more requests and sending them out later today c:

Collab adopt auction

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by ALTERED-ZER0

Check out this collab adopt I did with my buddy!


3 Way Trade [Not mine]

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by ALTERED-ZER0

My buddy is offering arts in return if anyone can get her a certain character!
More info here:

I just started a jointed adopt account with my buddy, lazeon!
Feel free to check it out if you're interested. We also released our first adopt batch over on the other account :D
Adopt Batch 1 : OPEN on Toyhouse