Almei's Bulletins

Ah sh*t, here we go again...

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by Almei

That idea of Mar-Era was totally broken. Not feeling comfortable in making a niche that has been explored several times (although the intention was sea, serious and newts, not able to). I will keep all my vintage characters. Creating human stories is my comfort zone (here it will be fantasy to mix two centuries apart, so there's a touch of fantasy here [Also, my base source is soap opera that already use some features to fly]). Again my marine hybrids are for adoption and can be adopted

No cell

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by Almei


Just my phone burned out right now, press F if it ever happened to you too and you have no preparation to buy a new one right away


Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by Almei

Beyond time, I'm a little bit exhausted from so much overwork, 

But if there's any motivation inside me I'll be keeping my plan

Just keep putting it off, putting it off, and putting it off ...

I've been on hiatus since 2015-16 and my friend charges a lot so I can explain more about my creations ever since

almost all are new, only two are reboots

Our Best Greatest is a soap opera (not Mexican, please) where each character has its own protagonism. The main highlight is Castle, who is a humble, foreign guy who tries a better life outside his home country due to the financial crisis of the state and has a complicated relationship with his wife Gloria who is expecting a child and not comfortable with her. Be a mother now ... Recommend wait, because I will make a GIANT adjustment in the characters, because my opinions of old were horrible and many things needed to change to my current thoughts and virtues

Lady Mad Rose is a story of the title protagonist (Rose) who shows revenge on her dark past full of layers (and twists [and bloods {and dramas}]).
This story will have approximately 10 to 30 chapters and only one season, so if I do this one will be in one shot

Millennial Tree is a story older than the first, but I have some problems and I will make a drastic change to make Felicia the protagonist (instead of John who was in the pilot). It will be a typical superhero story and I have planned two confirmed seasons

Dark Necessites is an adult story (not erotic, just heavy themes). I will talk about a comparison between highways and drugs (not just illicit ones) where excesses (or simply their use in themselves) can lead to places without return. The protagonist is Joana and she has a stable and trusting relationship with her husband, but a passion about the mysterious biker Bizz, her illicit involvement in the job and the guarded secret of her adopted son's dark past can turn all her ideals to dust. It will be long, but limited to three or four parts, totaling 65 chapters and no new seasons.

Reverse Goodness is a dystopia of the reality I'm living in (a nearly declared neo-Nazi president who loves gun ownership and censorship) in a more futuristic way (a bit of Black Mirror and In Time). The protagonist is Una who slowly realizes how much he has privileges and that needs to end social inequality alongside his boyfriend Leonard and several other rebels. Particularly I don't know its format yet ..

SHIT! (yes, that will be the title of the story kkk) tells the story of five actors who end up getting stuck in their own characters ... The protagonist is Marcello. Unlike the others, its focus is comedy (although I have shown dramas here) and will only have 10 chapters and possibly I can create more than one season ... Another one that I will do with a shot.

Sacaroi Mentiras will dive into something controversial to take away such a stupid conservative taboo: "Gays and lesbians will fall down in hell. * read it with radiation in their mouths *". The young Calandra is going to be murdered by Lesbophobia, and contrary to what many think she plunges into a magical universe (I would reuse traces of a universe thrown out of a friend of mine, but I think it's best to do my own aesthetics) with others people who have been through similar situations and need emotional overcoming (will contain some pilot twists before this becomes an Angel Beats plagiarism). 20 episodes and I will only create a second season if they give me a million dollars

Crú is a story that I want to work on and finally I will be encouraged to follow ... But it will take a while, because I want to touch a wound and not be rude to the West, I need to be especially careful. I can only say that focus about how some this rules culture of relationships can be toxic. The format is a one and a half hour feature film.

About the last ones, I have problem with them... 

Época received a strong discouragement ... Since Netflix released a series basically ALL that I planned to come true. The decade that would pass the history, the themes, the debates ... ALL. PS: It wasn't plagiarism because I didn't reveal the story to anyone. It was a damn coincidence. If you want to watch, the serie is called "Coisa Mais Linda" and second season confirmed. Folder locked because I will still think about reviewing all the concepts of story

About Mareu... well... Same case but with no plausible reason for cancellation, I just lost my motivation

Edit: mix old characters of deleted stories and made Mar-Era (provisional name). Which will bring together two worlds, a futuristic-style fantasy on the high seas set against a real-world era (still adapting to where it needs to be).It is still very raw, but it is a very classic niche that resembles the Harry Poter franchise (replace the realm of wizarding and put water and technology on top).
No news about and if I'll keep it going

Vote in me on KCP19

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by Almei

link to voting:  PS: Will happen each OC mine once and you put the Gold 1 to my character

More about my characters

Hino (yet to redo story)

Mrs. Flambé (Valentina)


Blah Note

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by Almei

Almei back in your regular mode

☠Alert, Oldie in command until May 29☣

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by Almei

Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, Resort, resort, ReSoRt, rEsOrT, RESORT, rESORT, 

[Repost] Two stories in submerged limbo

Posted 5 years, 15 days ago by Almei

Which of these stories do you want to see happen?

0 Votes The Sweet Scorpion's Venom
1 Votes Crú

No, I'm not talking about stories already noticed by the folders, but about other stories that I did not even put here or forgot about the time

One of the stories is "The Sweet Scorpion's Venom" and tells the life of a guy prostitute. It is a masculine adaptation of the same work hormonia-titulo, but is better known as "Bruna Surfistinha". It has the same heavy Indicative classification of Dark Necessites and the biggest reason for not creating any character is for the simple fact that I am more adapting the story than creating in itself (insert only few minor characters and speak behind the scenes of adult pornographic films).

The other is "Crú". It also has the same copyright problem, but the difference is that I'm finally taking away everything that has to do with Boruko and focusing more on how the ocidental culture of relationships can be toxic.

God, my god...

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago by Almei

All my stories (from recent to oldest) are abandoned.I need to find time in my life to review all of them and their developments.

I'll die soon (Part 2)

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by Almei

Do I make a testament to all my characters?

1 Votes Yep
0 Votes Nope

If you are not understanding what is happening, click on part 1here

So, that man racist, misogynist,  xenophobic, homophobic (LGBTQ+ in general too), corrupt  and, mainly,  fascist, man was elected president of the republic in my country (Brazil) IN POPULAR VOTING How  is my friend  Noche going to tell her granddaughters/nieces 40 years  later that  Brazil's democracy has been democratically destroyed by own  brazilians?

I tried to gaze at my energies so as not to fall into despair (mainly because Oldiei is on the loose), Never  feel the  mood of Halloween but for the first time this mood of horror  started  yesterday and has a minimum forecast of ending in 2022

Believe me, I can not wish the impeachment of this monster, THE VICE PRESIDENT IS WORSE

Any other fact of chaos that is going on in this country, talk to me about the comments