
The HACDI Project


Big Loud Spiders.

While the Kumo Family is multifandom, this folder is for their main story! It follows mainly Minu and her siblings, but also highlights her friends and other students at her school! I am the creator and I own the majority of the characters, however a few friends of mine also have characters that are within the immediate family or friends. Their family is huge, which is what I love so much about it! Their dynamics between each other is very fun to organize! Story folder can be found in my worlds tab! Popular/Notable characters in this folder are Minu, Masaki, and Bottle.



Skeletons Fire Monsters Shenanigans

The oldest one of these characters is 4 ½ years old, having been made in November of 2018. I’ve been invested in Undertale for as long as I’ve been on the internet, so my Undertale ocs are very dear to my heart. I personally love osteology, so three out of the five characters in this folder are skeletons. The other two are fire monsters. My Undertale AU is heavily intertwined with those of my friends’, with characters of PaintedPlum, katsudon_knockoff, CANINE_SENPAI, RatEnjoyr, and _cjuliac_ being heavily tied into their canons. Popular/Notable characters in this folder are Erin, Skelly, and Flynn.

My Hero Academia


Students Villians Heroes

I’ve been into MHA almost as long as Undertale, which is saying something. It’s pretty much where I got my start online. I developed a cringe oc, then made more, left the fandom, came back a year later and refreshed said characters. A few specifically got major design/story overhauls, which have left me content with their designs. I have a huge amount of characters in this folder, simply because it’s been my main focus for so long, years now. Popular/Notable characters in this folder are Holly, Suru, Rushi, and Yumi.



Men Women Wrenches

The Autoshop is what I call my main unfandom universe. It contains the majority of my stand-alone ocs, brought together to create the semblance of a cohesive story. During my break from MHA, I delved deeply into their story and left crumbs of a possible Webcomic of them. Possibly, maybe. I often think of them, as they’re all extremely old ocs whom I created in my young preteen years, but rarely become fixated on them, which is a shame. Popular/Notable characters in this folder are Cody, Casey, and Delilah.



A Bird A Feline and A Small Bulldog

There isn’t much to say about my anthropomorphic characters, as I haven’t touched too deeply on their stories. For now, the majority of the context behind them has remained in my head. I’m not a furry, (though some of my friends would disagree,) so I’m very inexperienced in this field, but I find it intriguing. Popular/Notable characters in this folder are Skeeter, Swiss, and Houghie.

Misc. Fandom



This folder mainly serves as a folder for all my one-off fandom characters I can’t justify making separate folders for. While some of my absolute favorite fandoms are in this folder, they’re fandoms I’ve only ever made one, maybe two, characters for. This folder contains hidden/locked characters as well, because, well, they’re too filled with preteen angst and cringe to see the light of day. Additionally, the two Descendants ocs are an anomaly. I’m not particularly invested in the fandom, but my friends were making ocs and I wanted to join. Popular/Notable characters in this folder are Mac, Peter, and Araneae.



Unfandom Unfinished and Random

This folder is for all my characters who are not associated with any given universe. Most are characters I designed and fell in love with, but never actually gave backstories to. Others are ones that have backstories and such, but just don’t fit in any other folder. These characters may be a part of a friend’s story, or my own, but are too singular to justify a separate folder. Popular/Notable characters in this folder are Fay, Hallie, and Them.



Adopts UFO OTA

Folder for adoptables! These are all characters that need homes.