Baphomett's Bulletins

Hi friends! I know it's been ages since I've come on this account and been any ounce of active... and I also know this is long....but a lot is going on. I've had a lot of personal issues come up and life is changing much faster than I've ever expected it to. As most of you know, my entire account was practically based around my worlds and OCs, as well as my artwork. Most of my characters here were shared with my best friend, who is no longer a friend of mine. I won't go into detail as I feel it's more responsible for me to keep it private, but this is a huge life change for me. Besides the emotional aspect of it all, hundreds of characters are currently not in use, and therefore, my activity here has plummeted. Thank you to the people who were concerned about my drop in activity; I am alive, I am well, and I am just adjusting. I wish I had more to say about everything, what's going to happen to all of my OCs and their worlds, but I genuinely don't know at this point. They were huge comforts for me and I feel very lost, but again life is full of changes, and all I can do is adjust. In this attempt, I have made a new account of which I am more active on. I will be moving to this account (baphomett) and using this one as a spare/backup. I've wanted to switch for a while anyway, but this just kinda made the point for me. My new account is linked below, feel free to subscribe if you feel you'd like to continue seeing my content! With more light, I am very happy to announce that my boyfriend is moving in with me! I haven't talked much about him on here, but he's so wonderful to me and argh.. I just can't wait. It's been almost 2 years since we started dating, I seriously can't even believe it. I am going to be posting much more content with our characters and I'm excited for him to live here!! One more week and we get to start a new life together, I definitely think I'll be much happier once that happens. I don't know his thoughts on world creation, but I do plan to try and do some of that with him too! I'm also doing another year of college ( before I move down for my masters degree.... so we have a year to settle and I'm really happy about that. For now, I don't have many updates, life's just chuggin along!

Here's that link to my new account I promised, follow me over on BAPHYMETTE


Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Baphomett

Hi, I made a new batch two months ago and never posted em.. go take a gander! I worked really hard on them so :)

Belated Junicorn adopts on Toyhouse

Artfight 23'

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Baphomett

Hi hi friends! I participate every year so I'm sure yall know already, but if you don't come say hi to me on Artfight! I try to revenge everybody, but last year I don't think I got to every single one oops!! I will join team vampire this year, so werewolves WATCH OUT MWAHAHAHA (although I also friendly fire!)

Good luck to everyone, can't wait to see y'all there! Oh and also the Junicorn adopts are almost finished, I haven't forgotten! Just doin lots of art at once :)


Art Fight - Baphymette's Profile


help pls! charity adopts again? :o

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Baphomett

What issues should I donate for?

0 Votes female creators
5 Votes black/POC creators
3 Votes children/ foster care
3 Votes animal shelters/adoption
3 Votes cancer treatments/ terminal illnesses
4 Votes mental health issues
0 Votes other (pls comment? :D)

So I've been thinking lately about if I should open up a new batch of charity adopts! I've asked a million questions about what to do for them and I have my ideas there, but I'm stumped on what kind of charity I should donate to. I'm doing a quick poll and would love to learn what you guys would rather see me donate to! Of course as always too, if you have any suggestions on which organizations specifically, please let me know in the comments! I make sure to research my donation spots before I give anything to them :)

Emoji adopt suggestions

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Baphomett

Hi leave 3 emojis down below and I'll make adopts out of em! :3c I'm bored mwehehee


Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Baphomett

I have a purge folder up because I've got a lot of OCs that I'm not connecting with :(( Sorry to the people I've gotten these characters from! I tried real hard!!

My "for sale" folder is also still up and has some characters in it, but I'm tryna look for more offers on my new "PURGE" folder so I can make more room for new designs!

Some OCs I got for free, but most that I got free have extra art now. Please feel free to offer in the comments or ask for guesses on pricing! I am also willing to take art offers, but I'm looking for fast turnaround times (2 week max pls!) :D

Come take a look below <3



Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Baphomett

Gimme albums you really love so I can make some adopts based off of em! Can be any genre of anything, just looking at cool album covers to go off of! :) GIMME AS MANY AS U WANNA!!! >:)

$10 LGBT charity redesigns!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Baphomett

EDIT 2: I got two slots filled, but I ended up using some of my money as well to donate to the Trever Project! Thank you Loafie for helping me out with this goal! <3

Hi idk if there's any interest but I'm gonna do 3 of these! You give me a character you want redesigned, and I'll do it for you as quickly as I can! 90% of the proceeds will go to an LGBT charity I still have yet to pick //you can give me suggestions too!! I'd love that!! Not only that, but you'll be supporting an LGBT artist as well! :>

Here's some redesigned OCs I can give you as examples! All links with 2.0 are my redesigns!

Saturn - Saturn 2.0    Jacko - Jacko 2.0    Nurse - Nurse 2.0    Twig - Twig 2.0    Chelsea - Chelsea 2.0    Terracota - Terracota 2.0    LuxLux 2.0


Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Baphomett

Random question just for funsies... if you were to ship any of our OCs together, who would you pick and why? I know not all of my babies have info but... idk! Random stuff cuz I can :) I wanna see yalls babies so... <:D

!Charity Finals!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Baphomett

I have officially closed the charity adopts at an insane amount of $194.77! THAT IS INCREDIBLE!

I cannot believe we raised that much, it was only a little short of our final goal! I am lucky enough to donate $107 (thanks to Paypal's fees for making that uneven) to the house of the Good Shepherd! That may not exactly be a lot in charity terms, but this is such a big deal for me as a small artist! Together, we raised and reached this goal, and there will be much more to come in the future! I cannot thank you all enough for helping me with this; everything counted! We can end this Foster awareness month with a wonderful she-bang, and I am so unbelievably happy! Thank you all so much again <3
