Unironic Excel enjoyer. Love it for making little datasets. Maybe I'll find a better image one day, or maybe I won't?

Archives. If you want to look at my old stuff, feel free to request my "Archive Key" authorization setting, which I'll give to you only for a short time. These guys are kind of embarrassing to show off, but they're fascinating too. I enjoy seeing how far I've come and it's kinda nice to show it off.

Before I give you a key though, please know that I try and keep very old writings/art as frozen in time as possible:

I have, throughout my time as a young artist, used terms or themes that have different or more specific meanings than I thought at the time, and I was ignorant about at the time of writing. Some words may have changed meaning with time too. Some of the things preserved may be (though unintentionally) offensive, strong, or otherwise in poor taste/insensitively handled. These writings do not reflect my current views, ideas, or knowledge of the world. Some of the shit in here is "unchanged from middle school" kind of old.