BlueRocketMouse's Profile Comments

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No problem! I love your folder icons by the way X3

This user's account has been closed.

Thanks for letting me know! I went ahead and changed the credits <3

This user's account has been closed.

Thanks for the fav! I'm up for trade/sale if you want me<3

No problem! How much are you looking for? c:

Sure, I can do that c: Sending over a transfer!

Sending over the charrie! Thank you and enjoy!

Thank you so much again for the code! u v u

It was no trouble at all ^^' Welcome to the site!

A fellow rat :0

Well, I'm a domestic norway rat, you're a kangaroo rat, but still. Rats <3

Ooh, yes, ratsonas unite! ouo

It makes me happy to see others who appreciate rodents hehe X3 Bruxee's a really cool character!

D'awww thank you!