Discordia's Profile Comments

Thank you so much for the cavern devil! He looks awesome >:D

I'm glad you like him! I was a little concerned since I got totally carried away, but I figured fun bioluminescence fit the color preference and it just all evolved from there :)

Yeah totally! You did an awesome job :)

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Thanks so much for the update! We've all been there, and checking in is so appreciated :) 

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Aw no problem! They were super fun to draw, I'm really glad you like it :)

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I'm glad you like it! I'd love to  draw her a real sketch someday lol. 5 min doodles are fun but def not my best work lol (Also- ive got a bunny cult, but its actual anthro rabbits so i got a kick out of it)

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Thanks for the favorite

Thanks for the favorite ^^

You're welcome! I saw you dropped a favorite on Gail and read a few of your profiles, you've got some really neat concepts!

Oh~ Wow! Thank you very much, that is very kind of you to say ^^
I think it is really cool how you got a few different story lines~ I am very interested to find out more about them~ 

THANK YOU , for the art of unknown , its amazing 

No problem! She's adorable. Glad that you like it :)