Disdain's Profile Comments

I love your ToyHouse! I never see any Overwatch themed ones :'')!!

Oh thank you!! I love the characters q_____q

:OO!! I adore your OCs! They're all so pretty I want to hold their hands!!

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That's okay! I'm so glad you like them!!

Sorry for the fav spam, gorgeous kids btw

I'm glad you like them!! <3

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Aaaa wow, i'm flattered that you like so many of my ocs ;u;

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Your characters are really cute too <3

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XD you snipped Ula out of the sky. Not a second after upload and you fave him. Thank you so much!

Ula is gorgeous! <3

Ahh, all your ocs are beautiful <33

Thank you so much q____q <3

No problem// 0w0

Thanks for the sub !!!!

No prob!


No prob, your characters are awesome!

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Ahh I see! Your characters are stunning <3

Beautiful eerays!

Thank you!! ;0;

-STARES AT- (look who i got im in loveee)

OH!! YAY i'm glad you have him.. I always liked that design a lot ;v;

Also /weeps because old art oh man

Cries and lays down you have such pretty characters ok I want to favorite them all _(:n 」∠)_

I SEE THAT... sdhgdf Thank youuuu ; v ; /pets you


Mind blown, your art is so amazing ~ !

Thanks a lot q - q

YOOOOOOOO oh jeez another layout to figure out dfgds

MWAHHHH It's easier then things like weebly ;u; <3

You have some super lovely designs in here! : o <3

Ahh thank you! <3