Means to an End

Means to an End


Matthew always had an interest in stories and fantasy animals. Imagine his surprise when he finds a tiny cat like creature injured and needing help.

As he helped her recover, he finds more of the little creatures around, becoming their friends and helping them out, and maybe, they could help him too, as he quests to find his own family.


Made by KamanderKato


Universe: Elemental Earth
Story Type: Comic (unmade)
Genre: Fantasy/Slice of Life

This is a shorter comic I one day plan on making. This story follows the main character Matthew, as he one day finds the tiny Pixima creatures, and learning to care for him, as other events life start happening.

Matthew never new his biological parents. He was raised since he was a baby by his Aunt. His Aunt, while caring to him, is pretty overprotective, and refuses to let his mother have contact with Matthew. That is...until one day, Matthew's mother managed to message him through social media, wanting to meet up with him.

Matthew agreed to meet up, but in knowing his Aunt would never allow it, he snuck off to go. Unbeknownst to him, his tiny friends snuck with him. Finding themselves more useful to him than even they originally thought.




Hollie is sweet natured, even if a bit shy. She does tend to need to be around people she knows, but when she is, she becomes more open and excitable as she feels more comfortable in those scenarios.



Bastet is a outgoing and excitable individual, often being the most open of the group to new people. She is very protective of her younger brother, Ferro, often forgetting to give him and others the space they need.



Matthew is the gentle and sweet main character of the story. He is very calm and while he seems level headed, he can get overwhelmed easily, often not having a whole lot of control over his emotions.



Ferro is a bit of a grumpy boy. He acts like he doesn't care about the others, even if he secretly does. He doesn't usually try to show that, but maybe he'll open up more later.



A kind gentle man, he often puts the others before himself, usually to the detriment of his own sanity occasionally. Even still he just wants to help the others.

Pagedolls made by TheTRUEgge

Female Male Human Pokemon Wings Winged Monster male Ice Cat Electric female Fox Alien human Water Psychic Fish Pokmon trainer Fire