Telldale Tall Tales

The town of Telldale is the center location of this world, where the protagonists Xander and Xandra have lived all their lives.

Telldale's world is partially burned "clean", and partially magic. About three thousand years ago, the whole planet was covered with magic. Everything was symbiotic with magic, even humans. However, even though humans had been evolving alongside other sentient, more magical races for millions of years already, something changed. Humans started turning on the other races, using their magic and inventions to beat them out of the human groups and settlements. The change started in one specific human group that began a cult around magic, calling all magic except their own "unpure" and "monstrous." This idea never died, and kept growing slowly but surely through the centuries, to the point that most humans banded together and began a war to "tame," but really eradicate, all magic besides their own from the world. The Taming started in earnest around a thousand years before the present, and was surprisingly successful. Humans eradicated all magic -- even their own, as at this point all magic was "unpure" and "monstrous" and "evil" -- in about 2/3 of the planet. The Taming ended around 300 years ago, which was roughly a century after the founding of Telldale. No one can be sure, because Telldale's founding story was never properly recorded.

Modern Telldale and tamed lands are analogue to the real world. There are two main bodies of land, one completely rules by humans (Heartland) and one partially (Halfland). Both continents have multiple countries on them, though Halfland only has two to Heartland's near hundred. Telldale is on Halfland, around two day's comfortable drive (and one day desperately, no-breaks driving) from the shore in the country of Inquirion, and is the settlement closest to the Untamed Lands that has not been destroyed or disappeared mysteriously. In the present, Telldale is just another rural tourist town with a lot of disappearances and strange stories associated with it.

There are legends about the town's founding, namely that it was settled by devil-sympathizers, and was used as a way to get trapped magic-people and creatures over to the Untamed side of the Western Mountain Range, the Screams, which the humans could never cross or tame. So it's part local in-joke and legend that some members of the town interbred with some fae, or demons, or dwarves, or elves, and that there is still enough magic in Telldale to keep it safe from the angry untamed mountain range. These theories never die, because no one knows who, exactly, founded Telldale. The only real hint is the historic well in the center of town, carved with what may have been names at one point in history, but have been worn away by time and the elements.

The Eastern edge of the world is a massive ocean so big that no matter how far ships go, they could never see the other side. It's called the Dragon's Ocean in honor of the many sea serpents hunted and taken as trophies from that ocean, until they disappeared beyond the uncrossable horizon. Satellite imaging of the Dragon's Ocean shows strange re-curving currents right at the edge of the garbling of the photos. So the modern explanation of the uncrossable ocean is strange currents and iron-rich ocean floor messing with navigation equipment.