GrimoireRose's Bulletins

Hi all! Hope this bulletin finds you well today

The title says it all and i feel like getting it off my chest

This year family has been getting worse towards me, it used to be verbal but recently it’s gotten physical and i feel no longer safe living here, its also not good for my mental health. Job searching hasn’t been easy either, been trying my best with it while also listening to advice online for this situation as a whole. It seems my only option now is to make emergency adopts/commissions for when i move in with my gf, i’m unsure when i can move out, but i hope whoever reads this understands why i seem very exhausted lately and why my adopts have gone up in price. This is by no means a vent but rather a heads up for future business.

Here are my Adopts and Commissions, if you have further questions please let me know. I also have a Service Review if you ever bought or traded with me recently or before, reviews help immensely! Thank you to everyone who has bought from me so far 💙

Sharing in general is VERY appreciated! thank you if you do!