JellHeads's Profile Comments

๐ŸŽ‡ You found something shiny! ๐ŸŽ‡

Reply to claim! Four users may claim.


Claim with a Lucky Petal Use, please~

(1x Lucky Petal will be removed from your inventory)

You found

1x Jellbean |ย #1

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly!

This user is not visible to guests.

(1x Lucky Petal will be removed from your inventory)

You found

1x Jellbean | Unknown_12

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly!

Using Translucent Petal

(1x Lucky Petal will be removed from your inventory)

You found

3x Shards

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly!



You found

1x Jellbean | Unknown_13

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly!

๐ŸŒŸYou found something Shiny!๐ŸŒŸย 

Reply to claim ย 

(5 Users may claim)


This user is not visible to guests.

You found

1x Shard
1x Lucky Petal used

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly!

I'd like to grab please. ^^

You found

2x Shard

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly!

Claim w/ Lucky Petal use, please~

You found

3x Shard
1x Lucky Petal used

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly!



You found

1x Shard

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly!

I shall claim with lucky petal ๐Ÿ”ซ

Lucky Petal used

You found 4 Shard

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly!


ย  You found something Shinyย ย 


clam clam clam

You found 4 Shards laying

They have been added to your inventory!

Claim, please~

A bean floats towards you, it seems lost.

You found
1x JellBean | #M8

Added to your Inventory!


This user is not visible to guests.

You found

3x Shards

Added to your Inventory!



Claim! (Arlpoint) Hoping phone isnโ€™t glitching and this is still available ^^โ€โ€

You found

1 Shard

Added to your Inventory!


This user is not visible to guests.

You found

4 Shards

Added to your Inventory!
