

Spectra Electromagnetica: The Vibrancy Advocates

• One of the first inhabitants of Scientifica Multiverse

Spectrae is the term used for the incarnates of this section as they represent the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

• Altogether, they vivify the multiverse and they are the masterminds of how the energy would work.

Overall Character Characteristics and Permissions

The Spectrae Trend

• All of the Spectrae are travelling at the same speed of light (constant c).

• The number and tightness of the coils of their hair are dependent on the frequency of the spectrum they represent. For instance, Radio waves have the straightest hair and Gamma Rays have the most coils in their hair)  

• From Radio to Gamma, their height decreases as it is related to the wavelength. However, the active personality increases as it represents the energy they contain.

Other Character Permissions

• Respect their skin tone color (no blackwashing or whitewashing).

• As the matter of The Spectrae Trend, while the altering of hairstyle is permitted, try to portray the waves of their hair to be visible. 

• Furthermore, when it comes to outfit choices for the Spectrae, the more active the incarnate chosen (i.e. in the active personality=energy of the spectrum), the more revealing the outfit must be provided that it is not under the NSFW category.

• Refrain from sexualizing the characters in this section as the author is still a minor. This is also applicable for all the characters posted in this account.