Sirens Rose

Children of the Sirens Rose

【a personal d&d campaign】

"Heavily based on JRWI podcast."

【Welcome to Mahina】

Welcome to the oceanic world of Mahina! Sail the sea with the greatest pirates of all time! Visit beautiful islands filled with mystery and wonders or sail the beautiful tinted seas. There's lots to discover! And if this interests you please check out the Just Roll With It Podcast, the first parts of my campaign are very similar to it as I fell in love with the world and characters! There are many things i changed on my end and many more changes or new things to come :)

【The black Sea】

The siren's Rose

The Siren's Rose was once one of the most infamous pirate ships that have sailed the four seas. The captain, Krakaan “Seacarver” Morrow was feared among many but adored by his crew. The sirens Rose met it's demise while sailing in the Eastern Jade Sea after a giant kraken dragged their ship into a massive whirlpool. Shortly after a darkness began to leak from this place, tainting the green waters of the Jade Sea black while an endless storm began to brew. Only a single member of the crew has been spotted in the ten years since this has happened.

The Jackdaws Revenge

This ships captain was the only known member of the Sirens Rose to survive. He sails the seas in search of adventure and along the way he found two people stranded and offered them a home on his ship. One a sea elf who has no memory of her past and her only belonging a name. The other a triton who ran away from home deep in the undersea with only 'Destiny' to guide him. The three of them travel the seas searching for where they belong and helping those that they meet.


Main Cast

Dawning Equinox




Ships Crew (Npc's)

Old Man Al

The ships cook


Child on ship



Camellia is the home of a bustling town named Novus. This town is overrun with Navy officers who have forced their way into the towns folks lives and taken control. Since they built a homebase here they have treated this town very poorly and raised taxes far too high, causing the peaceful town to fall into struggling times.


Lunlumo is home to a busy trades town named Loffinlot. They were once a busy trade center with many rare fruits to offer but had fallen into hardship. One day their orchards blossomed once again but a laughing curse settled among their people, and with enough time this cured killed. The cowardly Mayor has been hiding from his people and a riot is brewing.

【Ocean heart Casino】

A grand floating casino that ravels the waters of the Royal Ocean freely. Walk inside and gamble to your hearts content! Take a sip of those drinks and that fish headed dealer may just become human! Dont want to leave? Perfect! You can stay forever if you'd like...

【Isle of Melodies/Isle of Discordance】

Definition/ description of term. Maecenas viverra velit malesuada  velit molestie venenatis. Aenean vestibulum, ipsum ut consequat iaculis,  leo dolor venenatis erat, sed iaculis risus augue sed nulla. Proin  iaculis quam ultricies augue vulputate porta.

(Note: Nulla bibendum eleifend diam sed lobortis.)


Ship in a Bottle

by Fin

• Lost at Sea • 2017 •

Single Bailey Bears Traveling Circus Camp Stitchin Post The Shop Street Hidden Cult Rabbit Run Mansion virusyte virusytes Necrobie single Necrobies Fish adoptable for sale Bobcat Hybrid Alien adopt