KingCharis's Profile Comments

Do you allow offers on your OCs at all? Sorry if that’s rude to ask, I was just curious!

Edit, specifically I meant do you take offers on those in unsorted!

Yes! I allow offers :) which ones were you interested in?

Ohhh, I see! I just checked and, he is not in unsorted anymore, but I was interested in that half moon betta mermaid adopt ‘^^ no worries if you won’t look at offers on him tho!

Edit I looked in the wrong folder LOL they are still in unsorted! My bad, but that’s who I liked since u asked

Oh ok!! What's your offer?

Maybe someone from the ufo folder of Eevie_Inky? Or art

no thanks! didnt see anyone i liked

1 Replies

Hiii~ sorry in the game I send the character to other person! But I send you one qwq Im really sorry 

haha thats ok! thank you for fixing it!! <3

Did you delete your tumblr ?

Nope its right here

Hmm somethings wrong then cause your links on dv and here don’t work

Scratch that just dv