Lappazol's Bulletins

Hey So Looking for RP partners

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago by Lappazol
Okay so I would love to rp with some folks and I have this fancy Smanchy  RP  thinger. I guess take a look at the thing and comment if u wanna work somethin out :U

Character Information
  • Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
    • as you can probably see i have a pretty wide range of characters, some fandom based, others not, and still others that can be slid into fandom universes if needed. That being said I DO NOT rp canon characters and will not rp with them.
  • Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
    • Yes and no, For the most part I am just looking for casual rp parnters though if the rp gets interesting i would not be against pausing for a bit to really break down a rough plot line or even doing so before hand
Player Information
Hello Im Lappazol,  I am 22 and I have been rping for about 6ish years now but the last few have been rather slow in the rp partner area. I am looking for some fresh faces to rp with! I am very much so into story and visually driven RP’s, high action, Fantasy, and drama are always good with me. I have no qualms with most forms of violence, and when it comes to things of a sexual manner  and while I am pretty comfortable in most areas, there are some i would rather avoid! I don’t have many pet peeves but Godmodding and Powerplaying are both deal breakers for me. 
       Thanks for taking a look~
                              P.S. If you want to do any RP of a  a sexual and/or graphic nature I WILL NOT RP WITH YOU IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 20.
  • Average reply length?
    • It varies, usually I can start off with unto 5ish paragraphs  and it moves around from there depending on what sort of replies i get. I usually try to match what i am posted so if you post  3 paragraphs I will try to do the same.
  • Average reply speed?
    • medium to slow, I work most days of the week and have a fairly active social life, that and I can be forgetful at times. I tend to check social media a lot from my phone and then when i get to my computer I completely forget so if its been a day or two feel free to nudge me (or throw something either works).
  • Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
    • Nothing much! I tend to be fairly relaxed though I defiantly prefer 1x1 RP’s rather than large groups.  And definitely Paragraph format over script~
  • Would you like to share any additional information?
    • I am ok with bouncing around with several Rps and having several plots and ideas going at once. I kinda prefer it tbh so that way if one plot slows down we can put it aside for a while and work on another one.
  • Example post
Potts sighed rubbing her temples as Charles,her owner, continued to talk animatedly with the business men. She cleared her throat yet again, louder this time as she clicked on the tablet in her hands to check the time. Still nothing from him as laughter erupted from the group. With an irate twitch of an ear and a loud huff she finally spoke up.
“Sir. While i do hate to inturput your little social hour i must remind you that you are about to be very late to the dinner party for your mother in-law” she snapped.
The group stared at her dumbfounded as she put herself between them and began too usher the other three men out the door “Out now the lot of you. Im sure you will have plenty of time to fatnernize at a later date.” she tutted. By this point her words had suddenly set in and an obvious panic was starting to set into him.
“Sir. before you have a melt down at least get dressed. I have a fresh suit on your desk and have already taken the liberty of purchasing a gift and some flowers for Diana.” She spoke as she ushered the man from the board room 
“Our ride should be here in 15 minutes by the way so there is no time to dawdle.”