Lappazol's Profile Comments

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thanjfdska thank you tho tbh most of the work credits go to other artist, im just the nerd who gives them a backstory ewe

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Heck you have so many gorgeous characters

oOo thank you!! I my love my bbys LOL

No problem at all xD

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AH! Thank you omg ;o;

touches all your lovely babs and oh my all those pretty grem you have ahhh they're all so unique and so cute!!

ahh thank you thank you ;o; I've worked really hard building up the characters so they can all stand on their own ;;

Oh my you have so many grems like woah

Ehhe yeah 8'D im the Grem Grabber Extraordinaire LOL

Yooo I just wanted to say I love Ebolam! Very fun concept, I hope you add more to it!

Ah thanks! I have quite a bit on my plate but i am really excited to do something with them ;o;

you have pretty OC's

Ah thank you!

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accurate tbh

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yes. good.