Lazer-Bunny's Bulletins


Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Lazer-Bunny

I forgot to say I'm doing Artfight again this year! I got all of my characters have their refs up to date so if you wanna attack! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و 


A DeviantArt user that made a lot of pretty stamps, just deleted/privated their entire gallery, and I used a lot of their stamps on my pages, so if places where I had stamps are all messed up now, that's why.


I finished redoing EVERY. SINGLE. PROFILE. on my Toyhouse, as well as sifting through my DeviantArt/Tumblr/Old files for all the un-uploaded images of all of my characters. (So the spam should be over now.)

All the pages look pretty neat, if I do say so myself. Except for the fact that almost all of my character art is old af and kind of embarrassing now...(´∀`;)


I realize I have added a LOT of images, but I’m done now, sorry for assaulting your inboxes. But like my Fanganronpa character pages are done now and I think they look really cool. tumblr_p016xnrisk1tydz8to1_540.gifv