Milkweed's Bulletins

i'm back!!

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by Milkweed

oh man it's been a wild time. changed my name. went back to school. got a cat. finished most of nightvale. i'm starting hrt ... soonish, we'll see.

posting the ocs i personally created was causing me 100x stress and exactly 0 fun, so i've taken them all down. i'm going to focus on adopts for now, which is kind of what i've wanted to do for a while now anyway. i love them and i never give them enough attention!

i'll put up some more of my ocs eventually -- just not the ones i plan to write novels for.

anyway! hello again!


Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by Milkweed

Art fight seems to be working again!

Come fight me!

They're gone

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by Milkweed

I'm #stress, so everyone's profiles are going down so I can fix them. They've been sitting half-finished for way too long.

im back

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago by Milkweed

hello friends, i'm back from ireland and ready to draw 4000 ocs.