Rhelicha Realm

Rhelicha Realm

The Rhelicha Realm is the main world I build on and it is also where most of my characters lives!
The setting is a mostly high fantasy world with different levels of magic and technology throughout it, depending on the society and which domain you find yourself in. In Rhelicha the earth is flat, the stars are sentient, watchful beings and the earth is home to many beings who has never heard of or seen each other before.

Places in Midjord

Explore some of the areas in Rhelicha!

Welcome to the Rhelicha folder and its tab system!
This tab system serves as an easier way to access spaces in my world and read up on them. Not all of the buttons are currently working, but I am trying to slowly fill them out! You can click on a group above to find specific places, where you will be lead over to a literature that will help sum up the space.

Midjord Roaming magic Human Hell Brakesh Unholy Devil Roaming Magic Heaven Unholy Magic Deity Demon Celestial Vyrz Jalia Concubus The Pink Realm Angel Brilliar Greater Demon