NessEverlastin's Bulletins

Hey I made that Discord Server :P

Its still slightly a Wip but- Feel free to Join

Random Question (has a poll)

Posted 15 days, 7 hours ago by NessEverlastin

Should I make a Discord Server? & Would you Join?

8 Votes Go for it! And Yeah youll see me there!
2 Votes Go for it Ig, But might not Join
0 Votes Idgaf if you do or dont.
0 Votes No and No. Get lost dork.

Been thinking abt making a discord for a while, so i can show off little story bits I create, my art i do, and for my youtube when i do post stuff.
But is it a good idea? Would anyone join? Plz answer honestly i want to know what ppl think.

Character Q&A #2!

Posted 19 days, 8 hours ago by NessEverlastin

Doing this again as I've gotten lots of new guys, Ask away! 

Pick between 1-5 Characters of any of my Lil Guys on TH and ask a question! It can be either big lore or just somethin small and silly!

Ill do my best to answer!

Hey look at that, Free stuff /nm

Posted 4 months, 24 days ago by NessEverlastin

Not mine but there art seems really cool! Should check it out!

Random Lil thing

Posted 5 months, 5 days ago by NessEverlastin

Its some of My Characters Canonical B-Days in there Stories! Im gonna call out 3 of my favorites!
So this is me saying Happy Birthday to Midas, Birch and one of my Sonas Dell!

Ill reply to this in Character with what they would be doing on this day!

The reason these three and quite a few others share this day as a Bday is because its my Moms Birthday! 

Character Q&A!

Posted 5 months, 22 days ago by NessEverlastin

Pick between 1-3 Characters of any of my Lil Guys on TH and ask a question! It can be either big lore or just somethin small and silly!