NorthAzure's Bulletins

AI and the OC community

Posted 2 months, 17 days ago by NorthAzure

Do you feel like AI adopts has affected OC sales?

19 Votes Yes for sure
9 Votes Yes its affected it but the community is still strong and people are buying often
12 Votes Maybe? I'm not 100% sure
7 Votes Not really, only certain niches/genres (primarily human anime adopts)
2 Votes Not really

I've been wondering about this lately... 

Based on what you've seen, do you feel like AI adoptables has been cutting down business for OC adoptable artists?

Or do you feel like adoptables are still going strong? Would love to see peoples thoughts on this since I haven't been buying as actively for a while.

+ Trading CB Dainty MYO +

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by NorthAzure

Seeking Browbirds and cool characters

If you're unsure, you can offer me various pages to browse through. I don't mind!

No art offers at this time please

Show me what you got! c:

✧ How much does your average oc cost? ✧

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by NorthAzure

✧ How much do you generally pay for designs? ✧

8 Votes $1-$15
13 Votes $16-$35
25 Votes $36-$100
11 Votes $100+

Curious about what ranges people tend towards!

I'd say I'm in the $36 - $100 range

+ Artfight! +

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by NorthAzure

Will you be participating in art fight this year?

19 Votes Yes!
6 Votes No
13 Votes Undecided

Incase anyone wants to follow me! c:

+ What TH site theme do you use? [Poll] +

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by NorthAzure

+ What TH site theme do you use? +

27 Votes Default
38 Votes Night
24 Votes Pink
13 Votes Teal
9 Votes Yellow
8 Votes Pink (velvet snake)

Just curious I guess

+ Which of my oc's is your fav? +

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by NorthAzure

I'm seeing everyone doing it sooooooo why not?

Let me know which oc of mine is your favorite! Ill let you know which oc of yours I like best in response :u

Do you backup your characters/art offsite? [Poll]

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by NorthAzure

Do you backup your characters offsite?

21 Votes Yes, I have all my character images on a personal drive/hosting site
15 Votes No I just store everything here

With toyhouse being down this morning I started wondering how many people rely on it 100% when it comes to their characters