Pulcella's Bulletins

OCs up for offers

Posted 8 days, 20 hours ago by Pulcella


Added two more characters to the folder this morning, I'm not attached to these characters anymore. Mainly looking for art/money,

OTA on these 3 OCs

Posted 3 months, 3 days ago by Pulcella

I feel bad but I couldn't connect with these 3 OCs that much. So they're up OTA.


Mainly looking for art, but I'm willing to see other offers as well.

🫡 Deleted a lot of OCs today

Posted 6 months, 13 days ago by Pulcella

Just a quick update to say that I've deleted a bunch of OCs. I also cleared out my OTA folder.

In short, I didn't wanna pressure myself to keep OCs that I wasn't interested in anymore. I was mainly keeping some around because they're old, but I rarely ever think about them sooo there's no point in keeping them.

Some others have been hidden while I think of backstories and stuff.

Important Update

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Pulcella

Things got kinda worse and I had to cave and ask my parents to help pay off the balance. I didn't want to early on since the initial -$380 is a lot. I hoped that I could earn enough within the next "45 days" to ease that number. But no.

I get a letter saying that I have to get my account back to 0 within 5 DAYS of receiving said letter. I'm not risking anything anymore with this bank. I managed to get to $214, but I can't get that much in that amount of time. So I had to ask for their help.

Thank you to those that commissioned me, it really helped. I truly appreciate it. I'm sorry I had to abruptly end this whole thing, especially after getting the word spread. And thank you to those that did.

Emergency Commissions (Please Read)

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Pulcella

I've been posting this where I can to spread the word so sorry if it comes off as a bit spammy. But this is a pretty shitty situation I've found myself in and I need money so my bank account doesn't close (its literally -$380 because of a commission scam) I've done what I could on my end, the bank doesn't seem like it'll help me out much.

Once again, my commissions are open, you can comment here, or on these posts

https://toyhou.se/11959576.pulcellas-commissions https://toyhou.se/~forums/71.art-marketplace/353169.open-emergency-commissions-15-50

Also have 2 of these adopts still open if anyone is interested: https://toyhou.se/21708229.tiny-adopt-batch-23-open

Jomyu Raffle!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Pulcella


Ayooo this looks pretty cool 👀