Zenchok City

Zenckhok  Zen-choo-koo

Zenchok is the large capital city of the realm. The city  large combination of both magical and moderns building. Ne of the few places in the realms one can find a building over 5 stories. The central metropolises of both business and pleasure the cities is more of a destination then a home for most. A place one goes to when they want or need something rather then a place one lives it. The majority of the wider realm happy enough with their smaller villages and town and casual rural living.

The city it’s self-host a majority of important destination and locations as well as a few of it’s own secrets. The city is separated in to three major sections. 

Market district.
This section host most of the shops and stores both small two story building as well as the main compound of large company such as Q-tec industry and other such larger suppliers of general goods. The lumber yards and stone mason guilds also have there supply quarries along the outer edge of this area.  It is the main central of comers throughout the realm and the min center of most realm wide business. Yet there are several roads of smaller traders and private dealers.

Glamor district
this is the district one goes for entertainment. Both of the normal skit and plays as well as for food. There is also such location as the golden paw casino and other such clubs and bars. Travelers to this district should be warned to not always take posted attractions at face value as there are those advertisement of less than orthodox entertainments. Yet there is a very strict code upkept by most suppliers as there is harsh punishment to be caught giving services without proper documentations.

Record district
this is the more legal driven district of the city and the realm. Housing the main hq of the realm wide police force of the order as well as other legal buildings and record keepers. This is also the location of most housing to visitors of the city. Of course, there are plenty of low budget housing in both the Glamor and Market district but the Record District offers secure housing for visitors of much greater importance coming to do business of the legal sort. The vault of records is also in this district as well as several legal contract mages offices and other such buildings one would need for help with both mage issues and the mundane land dispute.