Shattered Obelisks

The world was once filled with color,the creatures, plants, and objects alike were all incredibly vivid. Then one day the obelisks rose from the surface. They sapped the color from everything that surrounded them, creatures included. The divine beings were trapped in a grand obelisk that rose in each of their realms. Any creature under the obelisks' control is devoid of free thinking, emotions, and movement. They go about their days following one routine and doing the bare minimum. One day, a series of odd events leads to an obelisk in a small, unimportant realm to shatter. The destruction of the obelisk freed the minor god that watched over the realm, Lue. They restore color and life to their realm's inhabitants, naming the rabbit that freed them Ambrose. Together Lue and Ambrose set off on a journey to free the other gods and realms, battling unknown forces, and searching for friends and foes. There are three types of creatures under the obelisks. The affected are creatures still controlled by an obelisk. They are completely monochrome, often being dull and neutral colors. Grayscale and black and white are most common. The affected are very lifeless, showing no emotional range except aggression when the obelisk is threatened. Next are the "broken"- the creatures restored to their former vivid states. While most of the broken have the goal of breaking the rest of the obelisks, that's not true of all of them and some have more nefarious goals and plans. The final creatures are the torn- creatures that are still tied to an obelisk even though it's broken. These creatures are often a mix of bright and vivid and dark and dull. They are prone to quick changes in behavior and instability as the obelisk is still affecting them in some way. They are largely avoided by others.