Wingspan's Bulletins

New Neocities website!

Posted 3 days, 57 minutes ago by Wingspan

Just wanted to make a new bulletin to tell y'all that I have a Neocities now! It's still a WIP right now cause I can't really code to save my life... but so far I like it more than Google Sites. Speaking of which, that website will be privated from here on out. It was a bit clunky anyways, I think.

In other news, I've privated a few more characters that I'm not using right now. This includes some side characters in Charlie's story, which I'm planning to rework at some point. Aside from fanart, I think Summer of Blooms, Applejack, and the Night Falcon are my three main focuses right now. It switches around a lot.

Updates n things

Posted 4 months, 25 days ago by Wingspan

Hello everyone! I thought I'd make another quick bulletin to update some stuff and discuss upcoming plans.

First off, new profile code! I mostly wanted to bring more emphasis to my website. Also this one is mobile-friendly, so that's nice.

Second, I'm thinking of making a change to my Deckrealm story collection-thing. To preface, when I originally started these stories, they were meant to take place in this big connected universe. There was a main character that went around meeting everyone and bringing them together for a big climax. But the main gimmick was the Cardfolk, one character for each card in the standard deck. Initially they were meant to have magical powers of some kind, but I scrapped that pretty quickly. Eventually I scrapped the whole connected universe idea entirely in favor of focusing on each story as its own thing. 

Deirdre, Mac, Doctor Marvello, Charlie (+ Harlequin and Mr. Bellamy, who are kind of in limbo right now oops) are all Cardfolk. But outside of their designs, it doesn't really MEAN anything. They're all sterile and popped into the world instead of being born (which in the universe would happen immediately after the last Cardfolk's death) but I don't have any good reason for it aside from "that's just how Cardfolk do lol". I also feel a tiny bit guilty any time I get compliments for the Cardfolk idea cause I'm not doing anything with it, really.

So after much thinking, I'm gonna scrap the Cardfolk concept. In time I'm going to redesign them to remove at the very least the numbers on their clothing. I guess this also means I can't really call it Deckrealm anymore, and with the increasing focus I've had on stories outside of Deckrealm, I think it makes sense to just combine them all into one list. 

This isn't going to happen immediately cause I want to redesign them first and that takes time. But I guess I just wanted to let everyone know in advance... and also ramble, lol.

TL;DR They ain't gonna be cards anymore...

Oh and also Tucker, Deirdre, and Mona aren't going to be Faedir anymore. I've noticed that my preferences for characters have shifted over the years from funky open species creatures to (currently and probably forever) more cartoony, regular animals. Sorry to people who enjoyed their funkiness, but I personally enjoy his simplier design more. Now he actually looks like he's part of the same story as the rival surfer gang I think. Also he's based on a young peregrine falcon, Mona is also going to be a falcon and Deirdre is going to be an owl. (Comparison in spoiler below)


New website for my OCs and stories :)

Posted 7 months, 5 days ago by Wingspan

Hey y’all, I forgot to add this update here but I’ve recently created a website to store all of my character info and writing! Personally I’ve found it easier to put everything there since it’s all in one place and I can organize it how I want, and as such there’s some stuff there that I haven’t updated on Toyhouse yet. But I’ll keep using Toyhouse of course and update everything soon. 

Currently it’s on Google sites, I’ve tried creating one on Neocities in the past but the HTML was just too hard for me to figure out tbh. The appearance of the website is still a work in progress and I want to add more of my own artistic flavor to it (at least, as much as I can add in Google sites) so stay tuned. :) Love y’all

I'm on Artfight (Go Werewolves!)

Posted 9 months, 7 days ago by Wingspan

Only advertising this now because I'm a dummy... Here's my Artfight profile in case anyone wants to attack me :) As the title suggests, I'm on Team Werewolves! But I'm happy to do a friendly fire revenge. 

Actually, I'm pretty busy this month, so I might mostly be doing revenges and nothing else unfortunately. But either way I'll definitely get around to it before the month ends.

New storage account lol

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Wingspan

I got some advice from Toyhouse on how I should handle so many private characters and I decided the best idea was to move them to a storage account. No need to worry! I think this might actually make them more likely to be used again one day cause doing this lets me forget about them until the next time I look and am like "oh yeah, THAT character!"

Of course, everything is still private, but if y'all are curious the username is Magentalane.

Privating more characters

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Wingspan

You may or may not have noticed that several of my characters are missing now. I have not deleted them! They are only set to private for the time being. I tend to hold off on stories for a while and occasionally lose interest (as sad as it is). Elemental Tales, Legend of Artifact, and Runaway have been on hiatus for a long time and to reduce some of the clutter on my Toyhouse I decided to private all of them, along with my Pokémon characters as well whom I’ve not used in a long time. I can’t promise they will be updated again. Only time will tell. I just don’t have the time to focus on a lot of characters at once and would rather prioritize Deckrealm, Hope, and some of my misc characters. 

I’m considering privating my Mugushi and Griffolk as well because I’m not using them at this moment (simply too busy to participate much in ARPGs anymore) but since they are community characters I’ll probably keep them up for the time being. Feel free to tell me what you think.

By the way, all art will still be kept on my Deviantart. That place is very much a public archive and I probably won’t private anything there anytime soon.

Profile update thread

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Wingspan

I’m deciding to make a little masterthread for all the updates I make on profiles. Basically I’m gonna put little updates in the comments rather than making a whole new bulletin each time. Not sure how permanent this will be but we’ll see how it works.

Bulletin stuff :) updates and whatnot

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Wingspan

I just thought I'd post a few small updates for my TH.

- You might've noticed already, but I gave my profile a new code! I'm still working on it atm, kinda trying to decide what theme I want. I personally like this code more because it's a little easier to read (the old one had tabs that were a tiny bit hard to notice) but it is sadly not the most mobile friendly.

- Originally only Charlie had an arc 2 tab but now the whole circus gang does. I'm not sure when I'll make their refs because it's not a huge priority of mine but you can go and see the little sketches I made for now.

- And finally, Nuno Cloud is privated atm while I update his profile. Admittedly I've been struggling a little to connect with him lately (tbf he's the oldest out of all the current Deckrealm characters) so it's taking me a while to write everything. He'll likely come back soon, though. On that topic, one character that's been private for a while and I'm tentative to bring back is Robert Fougelmire. His profile was just not very well written... (that is, compared to my characters nowadays). He'll need a lot of rewriting and development. 

Anyway that's about everything for now. See y'all   

Hey! I just wanted to let everyone know that I finished a few more characters, namely Doctor Marvello, and more recently Charlie, Eloise, Mac, Delilah, and Dendley. There's some parts that are still WIPs, though. I guess the only ones that are finished finished are Mac and Delilah. Other than that, I just need to develop my characters more. I'm really slow with it, though, lol.

In the meantime, I thought I'd add a few character concepts that I'm working on to this bulletin so it's not totally empty.


This little guy is someone I'm still working on. He's a hunter boy inspired by the song The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill by The Beatles. His mother forces him to kill tigers to protect the village, but after bringing his first one down, he begins to have second thoughts about the whole thing. There's also this shape-shifting white peacock with a ponderable orb who is sort of a narrator but in real life... it's a pretty heavy WIP right now but I think it'll be interesting.


Next we got this fashionable fella. He was inspired by this so I guess if I made him he'll be in my official third Deckrealm story inspired by Paul McCartney, lol. Basically my concept was just a man who wants to sing and dance more than ANYTHING in the world but he's either awful at both those things or people just hate him for one reason or another. I haven't totally thought it out yet and I'm still trying to come up with a species that fits but I've been throwing around the names Oswald and Halsey.


Finally, here's Maria, a character that will be important in Doctor Marvello's arc. There's also an aardvark named Gilmore who she's friends with. I'll probably give her a different outfit but in short she's an investigator that was also Jackson's girlfriend before he died. 

Also I guess this counts as meme art...



This picture is so funny to me and I can't really explain why. I'm not giving context, no.

And on the subject of meme art...


"Hey Charlie sweetie. Hmm? What's that you're drawing?"

"I'm making a map."

"A map? But that looks like... a close-up of my eyes??"

"That's exactly right, Eloise. A map of your eyes because... I often find myself getting lost in them.   "


I'm not finishing this by the way. I just thought it was funny, lol.

First one I decided to redo, Mr. Bellamy's profile is now much better than the first one I did like... an entire year ago? It's really been that long?? Anyway, I know most people voted to keep the old code but honestly I like the newer one personally. It just looks a lot more organized to me and considering I'm starting to make my character's profiles longer and more detailed now it's probably better that I compress it a bit rather than having a long code that makes it take two years to scroll to the gallery. 

Anyway for now, here's a current list on the profiles I'm planning to redo next in slight order. No guarantee it'll be in this order ofc, this is just for personal use mainly:

- Nuno Cloud

- Charlie (Probably only his "about" section, I don't think too much of his profile needs redoing otherwise though)

- Robert (I actually privated him recently because I was so embarrassed from his old profile lol, I haven't changed it at all and it's just not good sorry. I'll probably bring him back soon, though.)

- Turn Doctor Marvello, Mac, Delilah, and Dendley into the new code (they don't need rewriting I don't think)

- Finish Deirdre's profile and create profiles for the circus gang members

- Give side characters to Doctor Marvello, Mr. Bellamy, and Nuno Cloud. Also probably add the antagonist surfer group to Deirdre's side characters.

Also I plan on redoing everything on Artfight very soon! I'm probably just gonna have my Deckrealm characters posted this time around as I don't really use any other characters currently lol. Perhaps Duster and a few other misc characters will go on there, too, though. Until then, everything there is old don't look at it pleaaaase.