aquapyrofan's Bulletins

Sick again + Updates

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by aquapyrofan


0 Votes Yes
0 Votes No

I'm pretty sick currently so I'm going to be staying in bed most of the time until I feel better.

However: I will be working on setting up a Domeni MYO turn in event when I'm better, I have been working on purchasing parts for and setting up a new computer, and I will be putting the Eko site back up when I feel better and the computer is ready to go.

Thank you for your patience while I recover.

Spotty Internet

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by aquapyrofan

Just a heads up, my internet is super spotty currently and I don't have cell phone service so I may be slow in working on things like site updates and posting owed art.  Thank you for the understanding, and I will try to take this time to work on the things I can do without much access to the internet.

Eko ARPG Downtime

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by aquapyrofan

Keep or change URL?

0 Votes keep
0 Votes move to (with redirect)
0 Votes something else (with redirect)

My Eko ARPG ( is currently offline due to financial concerns. I am going to be transferring the domain and everything to a new host, and will bring it back online when I can. All information has been backed up, so there should be no loss of data. Additionally, the poll is for when the site is active again, and will determine where I set things up on my host's side.

For those curious, I'm moving it to the same host as EvoCrit so I don't have to pay two hosting plans.