cr0ws's Profile Comments

Hey! You came across my front page and I just wanted to say I love the vibe of your profile and your art and designs are so clean and aesthetically pleasing--very well done!

oh hey!!! that's so sweet of you to say omg, tysm!! :)

No problem! Have a wonderful day

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oh sure thing!! i absolutely adore all your elder scrolls ocs! :)

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Just saw your drow freebie and I was wondering if you did customs for anything that isn’t money? I have a dnd drow character I’m working on (mostly rolled but I gotta figure out some homebrew stuff) and I’d love for you to help design them!

oh howdy!! that i do, i'm open to doing customs for character trades or art or whatever you'd like to offer!

Here are my uft characters! If they don’t interest you my art examples are in that folder too

ooh sweet! hmm i don't see anyone i'd really use but i do adore your art if you're up for that!!

Yeah I can do art! Do you know what you’d want for an off-base custom?

sweet!! hmm i'm not entirely sure, whatever you'd be comfortable with offering tbh! :')

2 Replies

Thankyou so much for declining, I didn’t mean to send that character to you. I was trying to trade with someone and wrote the wrong name 😭

oh man no worries at all haha!! i've definitely done that a couple times myself :')

ayo thanks for the fave on my cryptid cowboy

sure thing pardner :) he's cool as hell

Can I just say that I love your designs and characters! Each one is so amazing and well drawn. I love your art style and the stories and info you give them!

ahhh thanks so much omg that's so sweet!!!

Ahhh np! I can't wait to see what other characters you come up with in the future! 💙😊

Thank you fellow Kurtistown member for liking my character!! 🤠🤠

i luv all of yr cowboy and western ocs :3 !!!!!

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aGH gosh you're so kind?? i appreciate that so much omg tyvm!!!

aa you're rdr2/cowboy characters are all so cute!!

sdfkgj tysm omg!!

hihi!! just wanted to say ty for the faves! i love your art and designs a lot

oh heck ofc ofc!! i love your yeehaw boys sm omg

cowboys are the best I adore them

!!!! thtnak u for the fave- KJSFHGSD AAAA IT MEANS A LOT TO ME !! Also, I really like your art! Is very good >:3c

oh man ofc ofc??? i literally adore your characters and your style skdjfhgkjf and i'm flattered omg tysm??


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oh howdy, sure thing!! tysm oml that means a lot!! and that's absolutely cool?? i'm more than happy to return the favor as well, all your cowpokes are so rad!!!

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Hello fellow username partner :D

ayee howdy!!

Fellow cowboy enthusiast I see. Your RDO ocs are really cool btw :3

oH heck yeah!! you've got quite the handsome lad too sdjfgkj tysm!!

Thanku :3 he's my best boy but I have a total of three. It's pretty cool seeing other's RDO ocs, ya'll make em look so good!

oH you do?? and honestly agreed!!! people are so creative it's unreal ksdjfghkj

Yep! My lad Adrian, Hugo and his son Matthew. Honestly,, ive met so many creative people through RDO

Howdy hi followed because Ahhh another cowboy lover and also your art is so nice I love it

oH howdy- i appreciate the support sm !! and your art is absolutely gorgeous aGH


Following because 1: Cowboy and 2: A fellow citizen of Kurtistown   

yee yeee that's hype lmao
appreciate the support my guy !!

i love your yeehaw man sm oml btw and your art absolutely slAPS??

No problemo!!


Would you be willing to do another design trade? I really adore your designs 🥺👉👈

oh man sjkfgfd i'm not really looking for more chars atm but if you'd like we could do like a design for art trade or smth?

Yeah, totally! Who would you like me to draw?

alright sweet!! so i have Mercutio if you'd prefer a feral, or Christian (the boy on the right/#2) if you'd rather do an anthro!

orrrr if you'd rather go with a humanoid i'm always looking for more art of my yeehaw boy- who doesn't have a full ref as of rn bUT generally speaking his pants are like these but the same blue as the ones in his ref, and his boots are like these, either the same color or darker!!

lmk who you'd like for your part then!

Ughhhh Christian is so cute 🥺 I think I'll draw him

For the design uhhh

Maybe a soft doggo? Maybe a girl since I don't have a lot of those 👉👈

Either soft pink aesthetic or halloweeny oranges (with some black because contrasty is fdfdhhkjss) and such would be nice! Or even both if you're feeling so inclined :>


ahaa sounds good!!

oooh alright, i'll see what i can do then skdfgkdj would you like to see a sketch of the design first?

3 Replies