hydraheads's Bulletins

Mini Q&A

Posted 4 months, 4 days ago by hydraheads

Mini Q&A!

Can I draw your character(s)?


Can I draw NSFW of your character(s)? 

A: Yes, but with conditions >:3 It's better to ask me more personally about this so send me a DM

Can I draw my character with one of yours?

A: I'd actually prefer not unless we're friends or at least familiar with each other. 

Can I draw myself/persona with Arvin?

A: No, please do not ask either. It will always be no. I'm not even that comfortable with friends doing it, especially not strangers...

Are your role-play worlds and ideas open to anyone?

A: Not really, no. If you feel inspired by something I've done this way and wanna do your own take on it, like fandom things, that's fine. But not my original projects please.

Where can I read more/comics/etc about your characters?

A: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--I'll link it, or list it when I'm able to. I'm very dysfunctional person IRL so... *Shrug* Someway, somehow! 

Can we role-pl--

A: No.. Sorry. If I'm interested, I'll ask. I used to be more open and eager about this but my time and attention-span is much more limited these days

Can we art-trade?

A: The idea always sounds enticing but my commitment to it is low. So if you're not a friend, I don't want to disappoint you.. Probably not, sorry!

Can I commission you?

A: djbhfjhsvSKJBDS I'M GONNA SAY NO, FOR NOW -- It gives me a lot of performance anxiety and am victim to imposter-syndrome easily. If I change my mind I'll announce it

Do you have discord/telegram/etc?

A: I list my socials on my carrd, but if you mean instant messaging platforms specifically ; I'm the most disappointing person ever this way and hardly have the focus to keep long conversations. I'm usually just too busy with being insane, life-happenings, work, pets, and my projects. So I don't really like listing and giving out my messengers anymore for this reason.

You're welcome to ask and I still may consider. It's not a hard 'no' or me discouraging the idea of a friendship as it's just a cautionary; "I don't wanna leave you hanging all the time bro and that's probably gonna happen :C" So if you want a friend to chat to all the time I'm not the best candidate that way. If you want occasional cryptic messages and memes in your DMs like a cat leaving dead birds and mice on your doorstep with care, well then I'm that friend!

Have another question? Leave me a comment below!

Theres a lot of profiles I've tinkered with and updated, soon a lot of art and refs and stoof will be added too

*Oh yeah! All guest art, gift art, commissioned art will be in a characters 'Showcase' gallery, FYI

Hopefully I have made it a little easier to browse and get to know my characters for those interested, or when I commission people (∗´ ᨔ `∗) HEHE!
Some things may tentatively change as well on profiles etc as I figure this site out but.. Yeah!!

I also organized my characters into folders that should make some characters easier to find. All of my sonas are now in their own folder, for example.

Thats all for this update..! -melts into the floor-

May ruined me....

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by hydraheads

Ah, sorry i have been quite busy!! i havent been able to update any of the fields for my ocs lately.. I have been roleplaying a lot more which has led to further developments of other neglected ocs -w- FEELS GOOD MAN. SO i'll include all that soon enough. Thanks for looking and having an interest in my ocs! 

Updates, Clean up, Slow Uploads

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by hydraheads

I'm learning to make use of this site! So i'll slowly be adding content, updates, details and things over time.

- Refs! Character descriptions! Yes! Finally! now you will all know my characters... properly. LOL;;;; instead of vaguely and briefly in passing mention.
- FANART AND GIFTART!!!! ALL the wonderful art ive received from so many skilled artists and friends... I'll try to upload as much as i can, when i can! It may take me some time to do so~
- Development notes; I also wish to use this site for character development notes and things of that nature, so its kind of like seeing my character creation process in action! Exciting~

I don't quite know how i want all my characters pages to look just yet but I'm opting for a basic start anyways, and we'll see where it goes from there.