The Family


World Forever Green College

The Forever Green College sits in a dimensional Crossroads. A Place inbetween. It offers sanctuary and education on Many Magical Topics. Feel Free to enroll if you Wish!

World Aces 'n' Clubs

A fantastical Casino full of so many things to do and ways to spend your money! A colorful crew run by a series of Queens will take you on a magical ride! Though Please, keep all Hands, Tails, and Heads in the cart or else you might lose something Important~

World The Aether

The Aether is a Nexus, a place if Power! It seems to attract all kinds of People and Things wanting to obsorb it! It seems to be protected by a Team of Magical Guardians against those that might destroy it.

World Cosmic Cafe

Care for a nice cup of Coffee? Or a freshly made pastry? Well Come on Down for a Cup of Joe that is Truly Out Of This World at the Cosmic Cafe!