
Comaaphelions are a type of alien shapeshifters who can teleport anywhere through the galaxy though they require a great amount of energy to do this and have different ways of gaining that energy.

some feed off of the emotions of others or the natural forces around them, while others feed off of living creatures they find in their travels. They are immune to the effects of space and can travel through it and are extremely durable, able to regenerate their bodies given enough sustenance. Each one has a different form of food requirement and it must be discovered early in life, failure to do so results in death.

They are effectively immortal as long as there is any part of them left to regenerate and given the form of energy they need to survive (example: those who feed off positive energy being saved and healed from a kind/joyful being or those who feed on blood having some dropped into the remaining flesh they have) the only way to kill one is to completely destroy the body or starve it of its specific for of sustenance