

A spontaneously-formed detective club agency solves various mystery cases, ranging from the mundane to the occult. Set in a heavily homebrewed version of Faerûn.


Involves planehopping, time traveling, and restoring the delicate balance of the multiverse. Inspired by the Planescape setting, as well as a dash of Magic: The Gathering lore.


The eagle soars over the lush, sultry islands of the south. It crosses over plains and deserts, voyaging across the seas until it lands on the frosty shores of the north. It notes a massive, sprawling kingdom stamping false divinity like no tomorrow. Conflict is inevitable; only when the land is battered does the eagle fly away to its next destination.

A thousand years pass. New threats are surfacing. The eagle sings, calling out for the many powers that were once dormant to dance across the realm of Laniakea once more.


Congratulations on making it out of the dungeon! Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!


In a world where the ability to wield magic defines how you are seen by society, is there room for someone drained of such power to make a difference? A group of teens with wildly different ideals would have to find out.


All the other OCs I've created, shelved, shamed, repurposed, etcetera. 

HTML by Eggy

dnd oc blackest days brightest nights dungeon detectives wizard original story cleric kikuno tiefling sorserie planeswalker fan OC 17sai curse of strahd paladin shifter druid dragonborn human